The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Phew, that was close! Tyson can breathe again

So Tyson’s near political death experience must be a humbling lesson to him and many other Zanu-PF members.


ZANU-PF national commissar, Savior “Tyson” Kasukuwere was a few seconds from his political death. The hurricane was sweeping and destroying everything on its path and it was only a matter of time for poor Tyson. Ungazomboz­iva kuti ndiwo mukono uya.

The hurricane kept coming and I think Tyson was already writing the epitaph to his political grave. You know how you react when you see that a head-on collision is inevitable — you tense, close your eyes, woruma mazino, wosunga and get ready for the full impact.

That’s the predicamen­t that Tyson found himself a few days ago. He had shut his eyes, waiting to hear the loud bang.

Let’s leave Tyson hanging there for a while.

The Holy Book, in Matthew reminds us of the situation that Tyson was in. Matthew 8 vs 23-27 says: “Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying; “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

As Tyson was stewing in the coffin of thoughts, the grandmaste­r of African politics, President Mugabe came and calmed the storm. With just a few sentences the President, did what Jesus did — he “rebuked the winds and waves”, represente­d by demonstrat­ions across the country that were threatenin­g to consume a hapless Tyson who had by now had decided that he had nothing to do with even himself.

Many of “little faith” in Zanu-PF were so, so afraid that no one could stop the raging fires.

The prophets of doom were getting ready to celebrate the death of Zanu-PF. Then the President came. Just a few words and it was completely calm. Those of little faith in Zanu-PF and the prophets of doom were stunned. They whispered among themselves, “mdara Bob akaoma.”

What kind of man is President Mugabe? Even the winds and waves obey him. And so Tyson opened his eyes and was surprised that he was still alive. The man was too shocked. He was taken ill last Monday after showing stress-related symptoms. He just could not believe that he was still alive, politicall­y that is. Some sort of dead man walking. Imi vanhu, Zanu-PF chiororo mhani! Someone say Amen!

So Tyson’s near political death experience must be a humbling lesson to him and many other Zanu-PF members. Tyson and quite a number of top officials in Zanu-PF sometimes get carried away. Kudhakwa neimagined power and start thinking that nothing can happen to them. The imaginary indispensa­bles who think they are the party.

Look guys, I know some won’t agree with the Bishop, but panoti Bob, ndipo panoti Zanu-PF. That’s what they mean when they say one centre of power. And you saw what that one centre of power can do. Just a few words, the power was felt across the country. Wonzwa rimwe richiti President Mugabe has lost grip on power? These past few days, I saw power oozing from the President’s mouth.

The President has this calming effect, this reassuring effect and this soothing effect. I know even Morgan admires him for all this.

Now that the President has sobered up those who had taken demonstrat­ions as their only language, Bishop Lazarus hopes that Tyson doesn’t get mixed up.

The President condemned the demonstrat­ions but was quick to point out that he was not in support of what Tyson was accused of having done.

His message was, if there is an issue, follow the party procedures. So Tyson is not exactly off the hook, but in the meantime, he can breathe and heave a sigh of relief. Which is one of the main reasons Tyson and those behind him have to be humble about the stance that was taken by the President.

On the other hand, people like Zanu-PF’s Gokwe-Nembudziya MP, Justice Mayor Wadyajena should not get over-excited like little boys who have picked saga rematoy.

There was nothing really to celebrate. There was no victory.

Those demonstrat­ions had gotten out of hand and that is not and can never be the Zanu-PF way.

People should stop hallucinat­ing that hehe, Lacoste has won, hehe G40 has lost. Or hehe, G40 has won and Lacoste has lost. President Mugabe did not talk about anyone winning. He spoke about party procedures and he spoke about party structures. His statement was about progress and unity.

While at it, let me wrap up this sermon by expressing a few issues of concern for Zanu-PF.

Who really brought the culture of “vote of no confidence” in Zanu-pf?

This culture has brought more harm than good to the party. Just imagine those vote of no confidence in the absence of a sober and mature leader like President Mugabe? The culture has to be stopped. Then Bishop Lazarus has a genuine concern. After all that has happened to Tyson, the near political death, the petition from his province, the views from the war veterans and the worrying evidence from Norton, can Tyson continue being an effective Zanu-PF national commissar? Can Zanu-PF take a gamble with Tyson in 2018?

Look, Tyson has his weaknesses and he has created quite a number of enemies for himself, but he is not entirely a bad guy.

He still has youthful exuberance and has sharpened her reaching out skills in recent days but as Zanu-PF national political commissar for 2018, personally, I am no longer sure.

Bishop is out!

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 ??  ?? VP Mnangagwa (centre) flanked by ZANU-PF national commissar Savior Kasukuwere,( left) and Professor Jonathan Moyo . . . What exactly were these men talking about?
VP Mnangagwa (centre) flanked by ZANU-PF national commissar Savior Kasukuwere,( left) and Professor Jonathan Moyo . . . What exactly were these men talking about?

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