The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Two views on wealth


THOSE in the world (unbeliever­s) think success is measured by how much they gather for oneself and this view is also considered to be the truth by some in the church. Successful people are recognised by how much they have. It seems in this world, material possession­s are what we use to value wealth. What is true wealth and how can it be measured?

Inasmuch as believers cancel out the view point held in the world, Jesus said those in the world, when it comes to financial matters, are by far wiser than those in the church in each generation. The steward in Luke was regarded as wise because he had foresight which allowed him to plan and prepare for the days that would follow after he had lost his employment (Luke 16 :1-13). This steward was so focused on himself that he would cheat and manipulate to maintain his position. Could this be the wisdom that was commended. I don’t believe Jesus commended the cheating, but the focus. He said they are wise in their generation, but not in the coming generation or age (Luke 16:8). Yes, in the world the children of the world are by far wiser and to some extent we have a lot to learn from them if we are to have impact in this generation. But our focus should not be limited to this life like those in the world, but we should live with an understand­ing that we are pilgrims and all that we gather here should be invested towards the life we will live in the hereafter.

When Cain and his children were building cities, the Bible records how Seth and his sons began to seek God afresh. Even looking at Enoch the son of Cain and Enoch the son of Seth their focus was different and the areas they succeeded in seemed different. Even though the generation­s of Cain built cities (Genesis 4:17), the cities were destroyed by the floods.

Wealth creation has not been the strength of the overwhelmi­ng majority in the church. The church understand­s more about heaven, and the world knows about the earth. The world controls the resources of the earth, yet the scripture says the silver and gold of the earth belong to our Father. It seems those in the world have an advantage or knowledge the church does not have that allows them to be more successful than the church. Even though the church does not have the advantage history and the Bible have shown the value of following God. Egypt had the resources and it was a great nation but it took a Hebrew man to help preserve a generation. Cain’s sons built cities and those in the world are wiser but there is a life after this one that we need to also warn them about. The Bible records the story of Lazarus and the rich man and how though one was rich on earth, he had failed to invest in the life that would follow (Luke 16:2031). Like Joseph we need the resources and the strength of those in the world, but we have understood there is more to life than now.

Kingdom success is measured by how much you live your life in the now as an investment for the future. We as the church we have so much to learn from those in the world, but we have the advantage. It’s time to learn and impart what we have.

God bless you.

Humphrey Mtandwa is an anointed minister of the gospel and teacher of the Word based in South Africa. He has written several books including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulne­ss and Theophany. He blogs at mtandwa. and can be contacted via e-mail or WhatsApp on +27 610286350.

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