The Manica Post

Man (54) dies in the act

- Liberty Dube Post Correspond­ent

A 54-YEAR-OLD man died in mysterious circumstan­ces in a mountain where he was having quality time with his girlfriend in Chimaniman­i last week.

Police confirmed the incident, and said Tavengwa Gasura, who had gone to a local mountain in Dzivande Village in Chief Muusha’s area of Chipinge, was caressing the woman when he, during the process, became weak and lost consciousn­ess.

Gasura never recovered consciousn­ess, and the girlfriend, whose identity the police have kept under wraps, panicked and rushed down the mountain to summon for help from fellow villagers.

Gasura was rushed to Nyanyadzi Hospital where he was pronounced dead on admission.

Acting Manicaland provincial police spokespers­on, Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka confirmed the incident and ruled out foul play.

“On May 16, 2024, Gasura met his girlfriend from the same village and went to a local mountain to be intimate with her. They caressed each other and in the process, Gasura became weak and lost consciousn­ess. The girlfriend panicked and looked for assistance from nearby people. They took him to Nyanyadzi Hospital where he died upon admission,” he said.

Assistant Inspector Chinyoka said in an unrelated incident, a Rusape man of no fixed aboard was last week died in a suspected case of suicide.

Feruki Alhmed is suspected to have consumed an unknown toxic substance and died hours later.

A witness, Misheck Manuwere told the police that he saw Feruki vomiting heavily while lying in the middle of the road.

“He got informatio­n that Feruki had consumed a poisonous substance. He was rushed to Rusape General Hospital where he was admitted. He later died the following day,” he said.

Assistant Inspector Chinyoka urged members of the public to guard against suicide tendencies.

“We continue to urge members of the public to seek profession­al counsellin­g or advices from other people pertaining troubling issues than resorting to suicide,” he said.

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