The Manica Post

Sculpt your body through stability ball exercises


WANT to know the secret for strengthen­ing your core, protecting your joints, and getting more muscle-building benefits out of every work-out?

It’s stability. Or, a stability ball, to be exact.

Also referred to as an exercise ball or a balance ball, stability ball exercises can take your work-outs to the next level.

“Stability ball work-outs help to teach the body to move as one unit,” explains fitness expert Cody Braun.

“When performing stability ball exercises, the muscles that make up the core and surround the hips and shoulders have to work together to keep the body strong through a full range of motion.”

Increased stability is useful for many reasons, both in and out of the gym. Stable joints are less prone to injury, because they have the strength to stay in the correct position during taxing movements.

Additional­ly, being able to move your body as one cohesive unit helps when it comes to weight lifting, running, and other athletic endeavours, Braun says.

Ready to start sculpting your muscles and improving your stability?

Try these stability ball exercises that can be done in the gym or at home.

Stability ball jack-knife

Benefits: This core exercise does double duty by strengthen­ing the hip flexors and crunching your abs.

◆ Get in a high-plank position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders and your shins on top of a stability ball.

◆ Brace your core to keep your body in a straight line from head to toes. This is your starting position.

◆ Squeeze your core and bend your knees to roll the stability ball toward your hands until only your toes are resting on the ball, keeping your hips down as you do so.

◆ Pause, then slowly straighten your legs back behind you, returning to the starting position.

Stability ball hamstring curl

Benefits: Strengthen your hamstrings and glutes with this seemingly simple move, while also engaging your core.

◆ Lie with your back flat on the floor with the back of your calves on top of a stability ball and your legs straight. ◆ Brace your core and squeeze your

glutes to raise your hips off the floor so that your body forms a straight line from shoulders to heels. This is your starting position.

◆ Drag your heels to roll the ball as close to your butt as possible or until your knees form 90-degree angles.

◆ Pause, then slowly straighten your legs as you roll your feet away from your glutes, returning to the starting position.

Stability ball dead bug

Benefits: Dead bug exercises teach your core to work as it was designed to do — keeping your spine stable while your arms and legs do their own thing.

This variation cranks it up a notch by requiring an extra ab squeeze to keep the stability ball in place, while also targeting your obliques.

◆ Lie with your back flat on the floor with your arms extended straight up, your legs bent at 90 degrees, and holding a stability ball between your knees and your hands. This is the starting position.

◆ Keeping the ball in place with your

right hand and left knee, brace your core and slowly lower your right leg and left arm to within six inches of the floor (both should remain in line with your body). Only go as low as you can with your low back pressing in to the floor. ◆ Reverse the move to return to the starting position, and repeat on your other side.

◆ Continue alternatin­g sides, performing

equal reps on each side.

Stability ball V-pass

Benefits: Challenge your entire body with this next-level stability ball exercise. It works your core as you pass the ball between your hands and feet, and you have to engage your inner thighs and arms to keep the ball from falling to the ground. ◆ Lie with your back flat on the floor with your legs extended straight on the floor, holding a stability ball overhead with both hands. Brace your core to minimise any arch in your lower back. This is your starting position. ◆ Squeeze your abs to lift your arms and legs to place the ball between your calves, creating a “V” position. ◆ Lower back down to the starting position, but this time with the ball between your legs.

◆ Repeat the movement, passing the ball back and forth between your hands and legs.

Stability decline push-up

Benefits: This advanced bodyweight move is a version of a decline push-up that challenges your core just as much as your arms. You should be able to perform regular push-ups with confidence before taking on this exercise.

◆ Get in a high-plank position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders and your toes on top of a stability ball. Brace your core and squeeze your glutes to keep your body in one straight line from head to toes for the entire move.

◆ Bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the ground, keeping your elbows tucked close to your body. They should form a 45-degree angle to your torso when viewed from above. ◆ Press your arms straight to return to

the plank position and repeat.

 ?? ?? Increased stability is useful for many reasons, both in and out of the gym
Increased stability is useful for many reasons, both in and out of the gym

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