The Manica Post

Thank you Econet Mutare staff


EDITOR — I would to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Econet staff in Mutare for showing contrition while swiftly attending to our challenges during the challengin­g first week of July.

As we are all aware, Econet experience­d some Ecocash system challenges which almost grinded the economy to a halt as it is the widely used mode of transactio­n in the country.

On one of the challengin­g day, I visited one of the local supermarke­ts with the intention to buy some groceries and had no cash on me. My payout had been paid into my Ecocash wallet. I took my groceries to the till, but the transactio­n failed and I repeated it, but still it failed.

I left the groceries and left frustrated. When I arrived home, and some two hours later, I received two messages confirming that the initially failed duplicate transactio­n had gone through.

Gosh, double the amount had been deducted from my wallet for the groceries I had left in the shop. This further frustrated me.

This is where my story is, and I am grateful. The next day I visited the Econet offices in Mutare CBD and there was agitating and frustratin­g snaking queues. Waiting was so exhausting, but I am glad one young man only identified as Nyasha came to address those of us with Ecocash queries.

He took us in, apologised on behalf of the company for the systems challenged and offered to assisted us with statements. He assured us we would receive our money back into our Ecocash wallet within the next hour.

Unexpected­ly and luckily for me, barely 10 minutes after leaving the Econet offices, I received a text message confirming that the two transactio­ns had been reversed. I had money back in my wallet.

Thank you Econet staff for such swift reaction, but I would also like to urge you to improve and upgrade your systems to avert such challenges for Ecocash is now a major driving force in our economy.

George Kareni Zimta

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