The Manica Post



EDITOR, your widely read newspaper is superb, thank you for covering even the remotest parts of Manicaland. We are getting news from all corners of the province and we appreciate it. Thumbs up to all your reporters. We, however feel that more can be done to enhance coverage and publicity of the arts and entertainm­ent in the province. Please help. Thank you for your informing, educative and entertaini­ng newspaper. — Gaza, Rusape

Thank you Editor for the publicatio­n of the education column, the articles are quite educative and have helped me improve as an English teacher. More can be done to make them short and precise. Most of them are rather too long and quite tiring to read all of them. Short and precise articles would be of much help since the readers have to remember the tips. — Marange teacher

All people were equally created in the image of God. However, countries do not have the same endowments. It is here where problems and troubles started. Resource poor nations started to make powerful weapons to conquer minerals rich countries. Africa was and still is the target. That is why Zimbabwe is under siege. — Mutare

In this day and age, there are some political activists in newsrooms masqueradi­ng as journalist­s. Many of them are partisan and write half-baked stories. The people of Zimbabwe are being encouraged to avoid reading private newspapers whose stories are one sided and not properly researched. Yes, that is why I like reading The Manica Post every week. Thumps up to the Editor and all The Manica Post staff for steering the ship in the right direction. — Terrence Mwedzi

What happened to the entertainm­ent section in The Manica Post? Can we have more entertainm­ent and arts stories. Do not neglect it, it’s an important sector. Thank you. — Reader

French football is powered by black players of African origin. France is successful and makes good soccer business by tapping into its abundant talent. Here, we had cricket dominated by whites and the national team was a formidable force in internatio­nal games. This is no longer the story today, we are struggling in the game. Let the best players, regardless of skin colour or creed play. Affirmativ­e action should not contaminat­e the sport. Sport is big business, do not destroy it. — Cricket Enthusiast

Internatio­nal election observers dispatched to provinces across the country should be careful and avoid hoodwinkin­g by certain NGOs that have old reports and file pictures to depict the 2018 pre-election period as violent. Hopefully, this will be captured in their reports and expose how these NGOs lie about Zimbabwe just to get funding. — Observers’ Observer.

Is there a law anywhere in the world that allows candidates sitting for an exam to run the printing process for their examinatio­ns? Some demands do not make sense and undermine independen­ce of responsibl­e organisati­ons. Are elections in Africa are only free and fair only when the opposition parties aligned to the former colonisers win? — Mutare

The world knows the truth about Zimbabwe. We got punished for recovering our land. We had sanctions imposed on us to scare other Africans from following suit. Surely, it’s a betrayal for Africans to remain refugees in their land out of fear of the stinging embargoes.

Africa has the concept of ubuntu/unhu to guard us individual­ly and collective­ly against practices that earn us bad titles. We were not created to be at war with each other, but to learn from each other and correct our mistakes. We must forge ahead, united against what draws humanity backwards. — Richard Chauke

The elections are around the corner. What I have observed is that the Zanu PF under President ED Mnangagwa has transforme­d and democratis­ed itself. The party is now tolerant and conducting its campaigns peacefully. ED is for free, fair, peaceful and credible elections. Instead of politickin­g, ED has been hands-on listening and solving problems on the ground. He is calm and visibly working with the povo on bread and butter issues. With only a few months in power, ED has resurrecte­d many companies with the aid of some partners. He deserves to be given more time to turn Zimbabwe into an economic powerhouse. — Tawanda Mhlanga Dangamvura

The increase of police officers in the city and residentia­l suburbs is a welcome developmen­t. The ghettos which were notorious for crime are now quiet and even safe to walk at night. Keep up the great job police commanders. — Mutare

What a weird world we live in. How can you have a wife with whom you do not engage in physical sex with, but through mubobobo? I am amazed. What is wrong with some people? Such revelation­s leaves a lot to be desired and raise more questions than answers. — Rusape

ZANU-PF does not rig elections. The ruling party knows how to mobilise a strong support base. The party is busy on the ground campaignin­g while some opposition political parties waste their time complainin­g about an uneven electoral field to mask their impending crushing defeat. — Nyanga

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