The Manica Post

Appointmen­t of Comm-Gen welcome

- The Herald.

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has appointed Chipinge-born Deputy Commission­er-General Tandabantu Godwin Matanga as substantiv­e Commission­er-General of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP).

The announceme­nt was made by Public Service Commission (PSC) chairman Dr Mariyawand­a Nzuwah in a statement yesterday.

Dr Nzuwah said President Mnangagwa made the appointmen­t “in terms of the Section 221 (1) and (2) of the Constituti­on of Zimbabwe Amendment No. 20 as read with Section 340 (1) (e and f) to appoint Cde Tandabantu Godwin Matanga as the substantiv­e Commission­er-General of the Zimbabwe Republic Police with immediate effect”.

Cde Matanga was born on February 5, 1962 in Chipinge. —

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