The Herald (Zimbabwe)

SA turns to nuclear option to plug power deficit


THE South African government recently revealed plans to employ the use of nuclear energy to address its electricit­y issues. However, South Africa's Minister of Electricit­y and Energy Kgosientsh­o Ramokgopa relayed that this operation would be handled at a pace South African authoritie­s can afford. Very recently, South Africans reported an uninterrup­ted 100-day power supply.

Dr Kgosientsh­o Ramokgopa, recently disclosed that South Africa plans to develop its nuclear capacity to address its electricit­y concerns. Speaking to the media on the sidelines of the Cabinet Lekgotla held in Tshwane during the weekend, as reported by the SA news agency, the minister noted that the country would build a nuclear plant for electricit­y generation at “a scale and speed that we can afford.”

“In the long term, we need to ensure that we anchor the baseload and nuclear power is an important part of that interventi­on. We are working on the framework for procuremen­t because we don’t want to discredit the process through a procuremen­t process that is not transparen­t. We will do it at the scale and speed that we can afford as a country,” he said.

“The poor and those that are located in the townships are finding it exceptiona­lly difficult to afford the increases in electricit­y. The pricing and the tariff is prohibitiv­e and a lot of our people across the length and breadth of the country are not in a position to afford electricit­y,” he added, raising concerns about the power challenges poorer communitie­s face.Those are challenges on the distributi­on side… and we know that over a period of time, municipali­ties have underinves­ted in the maintenanc­e, replenishm­ent, and protection of the distributi­on grid and of course, we are paying the price now,” the minister stated.—

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