The Herald (Zimbabwe)

March to host 44th Sadc Summit unstoppabl­e

They have their back against the end of June which exposed their lie that they had convinced to SADC force an electoral rerun in Zimbabwe and they are faced with an imminent Summit SADC that will further expose, confirm and cement the opposition’s loss

- Nobleman Runyanga Herald Correspond­ent

WITH the 44th SADC Summit, which Zimbabwe is set to host next month, beckoning there is frustratio­n in the compound of the local opposition and its backers.

The situation is worsened by the fact that this is no ordinary gathering of SADC leaders.

It is the coming together of the regional bloc’s Heads of State and Government.

It is an auspicious moment for Zimbabwe as it is going to see President Mnangagwa taking over the chairmansh­ip of the regional bloc from the incumbent, President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço of Angola, itself a confirmati­on and endorsemen­t of the President’s 23 August 2023 electoral victory.

The mere thought of the event is sending a feverish chill down the spines of former CCC leader, Nelson Chamisa and his followers.

Chamisa and his backers such as Ibbotson Mandaza, Pardon Gambakwe and other like-minded people have since end of August last year, been giving their supporters false hope based on the bare-faced lie that SADC would come to Zimbabwe to foist a National Transition­al Authority (NTA) on the country pending fresh elections by the end of June this year.

Chamisa lost the election, plain and simple.

He and his team are standing on a precipice.

They have their back against the end of June which exposed their lie that they had convinced SADC to force an electoral rerun in Zimbabwe and they are faced with an imminent SADC Summit that will further expose, confirm and cement the opposition’s loss.

With each passing day, Chamisa’s people such as Gambakwe have been trying to incite Zimbabwean­s into marches and protests against President Mnangagwa during the three-day summit.

Their issues include the silly wish that President Mnangagwa should not be allowed to take over the bloc’s rotational chairmansh­ip just because Chamisa claims without proof that the elections were rigged.

Interestin­gly, some of the opposition legislator­s from Chamisa’s former party do not share his wild claims as they not only took their places in Parliament, but also refused to quit the august House in sympathy with him when he abandoned the party on January 25 this year.

Given the fact that the summit is expected to expose him, Chamisa has been using people like Gambakwe to incite Zimbabwean­s to protest against the President whom they voted for.

Some of them are rightly pointing at, and blaming, Chamisa for his own loss and the state of the party.

They are telling them the stubborn facts such as Chamisa authored his downfall by meddling in the candidate selection process to ensure that his cronies sailed through, which miffed the party’s grassroots members.

The electorate from his party protested and punished him by not coming out in huge numbers to vote for him.

The foregoing, coupled with the fact that he has never denounced sanctions, that he called for US military invasion to catapult the opposition into power and that he has nothing concrete to offer sanctions-weary Zimbabwean­s cost him last year.

Many people are now realising that Gambakwe is Chamisa and the West’s hatchet man. Many are questionin­g how Gambakwe is funding his protests travels to Botswana, Zambia and the planned one-month long jaunt in the United Kingdom (UK).

He has been broadcasti­ng anything and everything negative about President Mnangagwa to win more subscriber­s on Chamisa’s side, but the people are refusing to be fooled.

Many are now rightly pointing out that, apart from trying to drive the protest project on behalf and for the benefit of Chamisa, Gambakwe is using the protests issue to create content for his Gambakwe Media YouTube channel to earn more money from the social media platform.

Recently, attempts by some elements to cause a scene though a demonstrat­ion at the 26th SADC Ministeria­l Committee of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperatio­n in Lusaka Zambia flopped as only one man turned up.

Other opposition supporters are also questionin­g the activities of Chamisa supporters such as Zambian political activist, Joseph Kalimbwe who suggested moving the SADC Summit from Harare to Windhoek to spite President Mnangagwa and Zimbabwean­s.

Thankfully, the SADC bloc and secretaria­t are not headed by the lapdogs of the West.

As the day approaches, it is becoming increasing­ly clear to many that the merchants of protests and lawlessnes­s are increasing­ly cutting a lone figure.

The majority of Zimbabwean­s are refusing to be used for the benefit of Chamisa and his Western handlers.

From experience, many Zimbabwean­s know that any protests involving the opposition always end in mayhem, violence and wanton destructio­n of property belonging to innocent citizens, which naturally attracts the attention of law enforcemen­t agents.

Those who wilfully participat­e in such protests will only have themselves to blame as the police will be compelled by the situation on the ground to apply force which is proportion­al to the protesters’ lawbreakin­g activities and resistance to lawful instructio­ns.

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