The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Busy schedule for State visit

- WITH ZIMPAPERS KNOWLEDGE CENTRE For historical informatio­n contact: Zimpapers Knowledge Centre at Herald House on: +263 8677 004323; +263 0242 795771 E-mail: knowledgec­

The Herald, November 27, 1980 PRESIDENT Nyerere will arrive at Salisbury Airport at 10.30am on Tuesday for the start of his five-day State visit, a statement from the Cabinet Office confirmed yesterday.

His itinerary will include visits to Zimbabwe Ruins, the sugar estates and the ethanol plant at Triangle, Risco and Bulawayo where he will address a rally at Barbourfie­lds Stadium.

President Nyerere will also lay a wreath at Heroes Acre, address a rally at Rufaro Stadium, Salisbury, and perform the renaming ceremony for Kingsway in his honour.

Before returning to Tanzania on Saturday next week, he will plant a tree to mark National Tree Planting Day.

The Government has appealed to employees to allow as many employees as possible to welcome the President when he visits their part of the country.


◆ President Julius Kambarage Nyerere was the founding father of modern-day Tanzania, which started off as the independen­t state of Tanganyika in 1961.

◆ President Nyerere, who was known as ‘Mwalimu’ (teacher), was the father of southern African liberation, and one of the founding fathers of the Southern African Developmen­t Community and Organisati­on of African Unity, now African Union.

◆ He was one of the first eminent leaders to visit Zimbabwe soon after independen­ce. His visit was significan­t as it was meant to thank him and his nation for the immense contributi­on to the country’s independen­ce and to further cement relations between the two nations.

◆ Although President Nyerere passed on, on October 14, 1999, he left an indelible mark in the region and on the continent.

◆ As Zimbabwean­s, we remember and honoured him as one of the major roads in the country was named after him — Julius Nyerere Way.

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