The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Innovate to combat climate change: VP Chiwenga

- Mukudzei Chingwere Herald Reporter

GOVERNMENT has challenged young farmers to embrace and exploit innovation in combating effects of climate change induced challenges to agricultur­al production, as their ability to be inventive will have a telling effect on industrial­isation and developmen­t towards an upper-middle income economy.

Vice President Dr Constantin­o Chiwenga made the call when he spoke at the 2023 National Young Farmers Awards in Harare yesterday.

These awards, now an annual event, were launched by President Mnangagwa in 2019 with the aim of recognisin­g and awarding young farmers for their contributi­on in agricultur­al production and entreprene­urship.

This year’s event which had 50 winners ran under the theme ‘Food Security Everyday, Everywhere, Youth in Agricultur­e moving towards Vision 2030’ which resonates with Government’s mantra of leaving no one and no place behind.

Policies by Government to promote agricultur­e has seen the country remaining on-track to achieve food security, self-sufficienc­y, wheat self-sufficienc­y as well as nutrition security by 2025.

The quest for self-sufficienc­y in maize production saw overall output go up from 907 629 tonnes in 2020 to 2.7 million tons in 2021, well in excess of NDS 1 targeted levels of 1,8 million tonnes.

Government interventi­ons towards drought proofing agricultur­e saw resilience in production during the 2021/22 and 2022/23 farming seasons, with 1,5 million tons and two million tonnes harvested, respective­ly.

“As we stride towards this vision, Government will continue to empower and encourage youth mainstream­ing to ensure they contribute meaningful­ly to the growth and prosperity of our agricultur­al industry,” said VP Chiwenga.

“It is worth noting that youth in agricultur­e play a significan­t role in enhancing food and nutrition security through increased agricultur­al production.

“The challenge of climate change, Covid-19 and the conflict in Eastern Europe has prompted Government to come up with new strategies to ensure food security and nutrition at household level and also produce surpluses towards regional and internatio­nal food security.

“I implore upon other youth to take advantage of vast opportunit­ies within the agricultur­e sector to empower yourselves, and equip yourselves with new skills and knowledge especially now when the country is grappling from devastatin­g effects of climate change. Full story on:

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