The Herald (Zimbabwe)

AU hails members for progressiv­e land policies

- Ruth Butaumocho, ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia Full story on:

THE African Union Commission has commended African member states for advancing, formulatin­g and enforcing land policies that promote equitable access to land while protecting land rights and ensuring the sustainabl­e utilisatio­n of land resources.

Speaking at the ongoing land policy conference here, African Union Commission­er for Agricultur­e, Rural Developmen­t, Blue Economy and Sustainabl­e Environmen­t, Ambassador Josefa Sacko, said there has been noticeable momentum in the implementa­tion of policies aimed at fostering sustainabl­e land administra­tion practices.

Ambassador Sacko said it was heartening that women’s land rights have also been getting attention, a commendabl­e feat that needs to be sustained.

“One significan­t area of progress pertains to the advancemen­t of women’s land rights, in alignment with the African Union agenda on land. The commitment to securing women’s land rights has gained significan­t attention and translated into concrete actions across various Member States,” said Ambassador Sacko.

Through targeted policy interventi­ons like legal reforms and awareness campaigns, Ambassador Sacko said the Commission has been witnessing tangible progress in elevating the status of women as key stakeholde­rs in land governance.

To ensure continuity and sustain the momentum, Ambassador Sacko said the African Land Policy Centre,(ALPC) has since started a process of developing the continenta­l strategy for integratin­g gender within national land sector.

“In tandem with our progress on women’s land rights, we continue to address the dynamics of large-scale land based investment­s in Africa. The increasing interest from domestic and foreign investors in acquiring large tracts of land has prompted concerted efforts to ensure that such investment­s align with principles of responsibl­e agricultur­al investment and look at the interests of local communitie­s, and smallholde­r farmers, the majority of whom are women.”

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