The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Farmers welcome timely Pfumvudza inputs distributi­on

- Precious Manomano Herald Reporter

FARMERS have hailed the Government for accelerati­ng Pfumvudza inputs distributi­on across the country to ensure that they can plant on time.

Most farmers have received inputs as they strengthen the adoption of climate proof agricultur­e methods such as Pfumvudza/Intwasa to guarantee a good harvest.

Statistics from Agricultur­al and Rural Developmen­t Advisory Services (ARDAS) indicate that so far farmers have establishe­d 11,3 million plots of Pfumvudza.

It also indicates that to date around 8 327 tonnes of maize seed was so far distribute­d to all provinces, 37 369 tonnes of basal fertiliser­s and 19 343 tonnes of top dressing fertiliser­s.

Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union secretary-general Mr Paul Zakariya said it was commendabl­e that farmers had started taking delivery of inputs early.

“Distributi­on of inputs to farmers is in progress throughout the country. All is flowing well. We are grateful that farmers are getting their inputs on time so that they start early.

“This shows readiness for the farming season,” he said.

Mrs Marry Tsuminga said she is waiting for the rains to start planting.

“We are grateful for the support. I am expecting a good harvest this season if we get rains on time. This year’s distributi­on of inputs was a welcome developmen­t to most farmers. We hail the Government’s effort of accelerati­ng distributi­on of inputs so that farmers receive inputs on time,” she said.

Mr Taurai Magomo of Mutorashan­ga said the Government’s efforts to sustain families are greatly appreciate­d.

“We are thankful for the speedy distributi­on of inputs. We believe most farmers are going to use the inputs well so that we achieve good outputs which are essential for ensuring food security,” he said. The Pfumvudza/Intwasa programme will be extended to 3,5 million households for the 2023/2024 summer cropping season, including the modified and reduced programme for 500 000 urban households

It was agreed that Pfumvudza programme will be replicated in all countries across Africa after fruitful results from Zimbabwe.

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