The Herald (Zimbabwe)

New rail line boon for Zim-Mozambique trade


◆ increasing trade amongst ourselves, modernisin­g our infrastruc­ture, growing our economies, not in isolation but in partnershi­p. I say to my dear brother, keep on this vision; it is not for the benefit of Mozambican­s, but for the benefit of our region — SADC.”

Zimbabwe, President Mnangagwa said, had been able to withstand the effects of sanctions imposed by the United States, the United Kingdom and European Union because of support from countries such as Mozambique.

“We in Zimbabwe are 23 years under imperial sanctions imposed by our former colonial masters because we reclaimed our land, but because our brothers and sisters in Mozambique have stood by us, Zimbabwe is progressin­g, Zimbabwe is growing, Zimbabwe is modernisin­g, (and) Zimbabwe is on the march,” he said.

“We have been seeing kilometres and kilometres of trucks on the Mozambican side; kilometres and kilometres of lined up trucks on the Zimbabwe side. With the inaugurati­on of the railway line, all that cargo will now move to Beira, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia and DRC by rail. And it becomes cheaper . . . This line was dead for more than 26 years.”

The President challenged Transport and Infrastruc­tural Developmen­t Minister Felix Mhona to work on a similar railway line on Zimbabwe’s side of the border, even if it meant the country had to outsource skills from its neighbouri­ng country. As part of the multi-pronged strategy to ease the movement of goods between the two countries, Zimbabwe has already roped in a contractor — Leengate Private Limited — to build the Christmas Pass bypass road, which circumvent­s the route through Mutare’s Central Business District.

A dry port is also being considered. “I came here with several ministers from Zimbabwe, and I was telling them as we were moving on the train that none of them must sleep until they invite me to travel on a similar train in Zimbabwe. No sleeping!” said President Mnangagwa, who had the opportunit­y to share the train ride from Manica to the border with his host.

“And I said if we do not have skills, if we do not have machinery, the people of Mozambique have demonstrat­ed that they have the skills and that they have the machinery. We can get that skill into Zimbabwe, and we can get that machinery into Zimbabwe. I want the job done yesterday.”

Cooperatio­n between regional countries, he added, could help them develop through leveraging on their abundant resources, skilled manpower and vision.

President Mnangagwa also said Harare and Maputo must “march together and assist each other because we are one family”.

“I want to conclude by appealing to us all: We want peace, we want harmony, we want unity, we want love during the day and night. We must love each other,” he said. President Nyusi said Zimbabwe and Mozambique shared a deep bond and the newly rehabilita­ted infrastruc­ture would, therefore, boost trade between the two countries and the region.

“From the onset, we would like to thank you, Mr President, for having accepted our invitation so that together we celebrate the completion of the rehabilita­tion of the strategic railway line,” said President Nyusi.

“Your presence emphasises the vital effect of the Beira-Machipanda railway system for the two countries and global trade, and expresses the relevance and commitment of your Government to cooperate with Mozambique, particular­ly in terms of making the Beira corridor viable.”

 ?? ?? President Mnangagwa and President Nyusi interact at the official commission­ing of the Beira-Machipanda railway line in Mozambique yesterday
President Mnangagwa and President Nyusi interact at the official commission­ing of the Beira-Machipanda railway line in Mozambique yesterday
 ?? ?? President Mnangagwa addresses guests at the official commission­ing of the newly-refurbishe­d 300km Machipanda railway line in Manica, Mozambique, yesterday
President Mnangagwa addresses guests at the official commission­ing of the newly-refurbishe­d 300km Machipanda railway line in Manica, Mozambique, yesterday
 ?? - Pictures: Believe Nyakudjara ?? The President introduces his delegation to his Mozambican counterpar­t President Nyusi after the official commission­ing of the Beira-Machipanda railway line in Mozambique yesterday.
- Pictures: Believe Nyakudjara The President introduces his delegation to his Mozambican counterpar­t President Nyusi after the official commission­ing of the Beira-Machipanda railway line in Mozambique yesterday.
 ?? ?? President Mnangagwa and Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi congratula­te each other after the official commission­ing of the 300km Machipanda railway line in Manica, Mozambique, yesterday
President Mnangagwa and Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi congratula­te each other after the official commission­ing of the 300km Machipanda railway line in Manica, Mozambique, yesterday

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