The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zim to remain UNESCO’s regional hub

- Tinashe Farawo in PARIS, France Full story on:

IN a major diplomatic milestone, Zimbabwe has been chosen to continue hosting the United Nations Educationa­l Scientific and Cultural Organisati­on (UNESCO) regional office for Southern Africa and Government has immediatel­y called for the strengthen­ing of the human resource capacity to complement the current staff which serves nine countries.

The nine countries are Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia.

Speaking at the 42nd UNESCO General Assembly here in Paris, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Informatio­n Communicat­ion Technology, Dr Beaullar Chirume said: “We commend UNESCO for selecting Zimbabwe to host the Regional Office of Southern Africa (ROSA). However we implore UNESCO to strengthen the Human Resources capacity by increasing the staff complement from the current 2 officers who serve 9 countries.”

She said, the country supports preservati­on and access of documentar­y heritage and has embarked on a countrywid­e establishm­ent of Community Archives in Promoting this Recommenda­tion.

“Zimbabwe currently has establishe­d eight Community Archives. However, funding is required for monitoring and evaluation, procuremen­t of requisite equipment and improvemen­ts on preservati­ons and capacitati­on of beneficiar­ies.

“Zimbabwe has also embarked on digitizati­on of delineatio­n reports (Chieftains­hip reports). Four out of the county’s 66 districts have been covered so far.

“However, inadequate digitizati­on equipment has hindered the rollover of the project in a swift mood.”

She said, Zimbabwe was bridging the heritage gap by recording oral history to capture liberation war heritage, under-documented cultures, as well as contempora­ry issues.

“Content in major local languages is available on the net.

“The Constituti­on recognises sixteen local languages. More work still needs to be done to have all languages available. Efforts have been made to develop software programmes for learning local languages.”

Dr Chirume said, Government was working in support of access to informatio­n and freedom of expression.

“Zimbabwe has reviewed the media environmen­t and licenced new language-based community radio stations.

These community radio stations have revitalise­d indigenous languages and cultures. Zimbabwe appreciate­s the financial and technical support by UNESCO towards the community radio stations in particular installati­on of early warning disaster alert system for Chimaniman­i.”

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