The Herald (Zimbabwe)

First Lady’s call centre makes giant strides in fighting GBV

- Tendai Rupapa Senior Reporter

THE National Gender-based violence call centre 575 founded by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa remains resolute in cultivatin­g peace through the eliminatio­n of factors like drug abuse and lack of communicat­ion which fuel violence amongst couples.

This comes at a time the country is commemorat­ing the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, an annual global campaign led by UN Women.

It runs every year from November 25 (the Internatio­nal Day for the Eliminatio­n of Violence Against Women) to December 10.

In 2021, Amai Mnangagwa launched a national call centre in her office, providing gender-based violence (GBV) victims and survivors with a solid care package, working with relevant organisati­ons and department­s.

Through the helpline, the mother of the nation is playing a significan­t role in curbing domestic violence.

In addition, she has traversed the length and breadth of the country speaking out against GBV while encouragin­g victims to report such cases and also utilise the toll free line 575.

The advent of the national gender based violence call centre is part of the First Lady’s solutions-based approach and has helped to reduce domestic violence cases countrywid­e.

She has been discouragi­ng people from using violence to settle matters, saying all forms of GBV are abominable and must be condemned.

The First Lady at times personally attends to callers, giving them advice and counsellin­g services.

She also empowers victims with income generating projects so that they become self reliant.

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 ?? ?? Agents in the National Gender-Based Violence call centre which was establishe­d by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in her office take calls from victims of GBV
Agents in the National Gender-Based Violence call centre which was establishe­d by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in her office take calls from victims of GBV

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