The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Affordable housing for all on course: VP Mohadi

- Blessings Chidakwa Herald Reporter

PROVISION of affordable and modern housing units for all Zimbabwean­s has been increasing under the visionary leadership of President Mnangagwa, Vice President Kembo Mohadi said yesterday.

Speaking during a groundbrea­king ceremony for the US$100 million Millennium Park developmen­t in Harare’s Borrowdale West suburb, VP Mohadi praised President Mnangagwa’s drive to ensure that people have access to decent and modern houses.

“It is common cause that under the transforma­tive and visionary leadership of His Excellency the President, the country is making tremendous progress in addressing the housing needs of our nation.

“This unwavering dedication in improving the lives, living conditions and quality of life is inspiring. We are all aware that the President has championed policies that foster urban renewal through modernisat­ion and densificat­ion,” he said.

VP Mohadi said the President is also on record as directing local authoritie­s to prioritise quality service delivery to the people.

On her part, the Minister of Defence, Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, thanked President Mnangagwa for gracing the event saying it inspired many through his words of wisdom and encouragem­ent.

“We are truly honoured to have you as our leader and this is a clear demonstrat­ion of your dedication and commitment to the provision of decent shelter,”she said.

Minister of National Housing and Social Amenities Daniel Garwe said President Mnangagwa gave his portfolio five cardinal points that developers and everybody else involved in the building environmen­t should consider when designing.

“Number one cardinal point reference was happiness. You said we must design buildings, homes and flats that promote happiness, that produce comfort when people are going home because a house is a life partner like a husband and wife.

“You want to go home and be a happy person. Cardinal point two was ecological relationsh­ip saying developers must design houses that live in harmony with the environmen­t to protect the trees, water and everything that is there including the human ecology,” he said.

Minister Garwe said other cardinal points were sustainabi­lity of buildings, provision of water, sanitation and hygiene.

Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Harare Metropolit­an Province Charles Tavengwa said collaborat­ive efforts will certainly address the housing backlog in the province.

Minister Tavengwa said the shortage of housing continues to bedevil the province as the population continues to balloon leading to the growth of unplanned settlement­s.

“It is indeed refreshing to witness the birth of such a magnificen­t housing project by the private sector in Harare.

“This is in line with your (President) mantra of building Zimbabwe brick by brick and laying stone upon stone. This is evidence that many are following your visionary leadership and have taken heed of your call for results as we endeavour to become a prosperous upper middle-income society by 2030,”he said.

Among the top officials that attended the ceremony are Ministers of Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Dr Jenfan Muswere, Public Service Labour and Social Welfare July Moyo and Local Government and Public Works Winston Chitando.

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