The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Rahman Gumbo’s body arrives today . . . burial place still subject to family discussion

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THE body of the late football great, Rahman Gumbo, will arrive in the country from Francistow­n Botswana today.

The late Gumbo breathed his last in the neighbouri­ng country last Friday at the Francistow­n Academic Hospital where he was admitted to after falling sick at his Palapye home.

Family spokespers­on Zeblon Mhlanga said while they did not have the exact time of when the body would arrive tomorrow, all the necessary paperwork to repatriate the body of the Zimbabwe football icon has been completed.

“There have been some positive developmen­ts. All the necessary paperwork to repatriate the body has been completed and the body of our late hero is set to arrive in the country tomorrow (today).

We wouldn’t know of the exact time because we think that will also depend on the border procedures. We have however, told our family members in Botswana to get in touch with us soon as they reach Ramokgweba­na Border Post because there are some family members who have expressed their willingnes­s to meet the Botswana travelling team at Figtree,” said Mhlanga. He said the burial place of the legend would be subjected to family discussion­s despite Bulawayo City Council dutifully according him a spot at Lady Stanley where some prominent football personalit­ies were buried. He added:

“A Memorial Service will be held at Bulawayo’s Amphitheat­re on Friday from 2pm and a Funeral Service will be held on Saturday starting from 7am. We are grateful that the Bulawayo City Council

(BCC) has offered us a grave at Lady Stanley Cemetery but that is still subject to consent by family members.”

It is at Lady Stanley Cemetery that Bulawayo’s top sportspers­ons that include Gumbo’s ex Warriors and Bosso teammates Mercedes “Rambo” Sibanda, Willard Mashinkila Khumalo and Adam “Adamski” Ndlovu were buried.

The place also has Tymon Mabaleka, Barry Daka and Chipo Soko.

The ex-Warriors mentor’s death came a few days after he had parted ways with Botswana Premier Soccer League outfit Morupule Wanderers.

Nyaradzo Funeral Services has donated flood lights, chairs, tents and mobile toilets to the Gumbo family.

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