The Herald (Zimbabwe)

SA cops under probe over Zim couple murder

- Crime Reporter

FOUR South African Police Services (SAPS) officers are being investigat­ed over a case in which a Zimbabwean couple was last Wednesday shot dead outside the Randburg Magistrate­s Court while on their way to testify against suspects charged with aggravated assault.

SAPS spokespers­on Lieutenant Colonel Mavela Masondo confirmed that a murder case was being investigat­ed after Sicelubuhl­e Moyo and William Dubethe were shot and killed outside the Randburg Magistrate­s’ Court.

He said the victims, who were certified dead at the scene, were shot as they were approachin­g the court building.

The four police officers are now being treated as suspects in connection with the double murder case.

According to TimesLive, Moyo and her husband were confronted by a gunman who leapt out of a MercedesBe­nz before opening fire.

A manhunt is underway for the shooter and his accomplice(s).

The victims were scheduled to be cross-examined last week after recently giving evidence.

It is reported that Moyo was the complainan­t in a 2018 police brutality case and was due to testify against four male police officers identified as Moleke Makgatho, Katudi Masemane, Sylvester Chuene, and Mariri Mashupe last Wednesday.

South African media reports allege that despite the couple being murdered, the case against the four police officers who allegedly tortured Moyo in 2018 continued in court.

The officers were arrested by the Independen­t Police Investigat­ive Directorat­e (IPID) in 2020, two years after Moyo opened a case of torture against them.

According to the charge sheet, the officers were questionin­g Moyo in relation to a robbery at a house in Midrand where she was employed as a domestic worker at the time.

The officers allegedly tied Moyo to a table by her ankles, waist, and hands, covered her face with a cloth, and forced water into her mouth and nose as a means to extract informatio­n from her.

When the case was heard, the State called the investigat­ing officer in the shooting, Lt-Col Andile Mankayi from the Gauteng provincial police team to the witness box in support of an urgent applicatio­n.

The applicatio­n was for the four officers, from the Midrand police station, to hand in their cellphones and weapons.

They were also asked to agree to gunpowder residue tests on their bodies and guns. The matter was adjourned for defence lawyers to consult them.

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