The Herald (Zimbabwe)

When students find comfort in cheating

- Latwell Nyangu Youth Interactiv­e Writer

CHEATING is omnipresen­t in colleges across the globe.

The pressure of being successful in college is leading a lot of students down this cheating path. Students see it as a way to get through their classes without considerin­g the longterm effects it can have.

Cheating is extremely detrimenta­l to students and prevents tutors from helping students with what they need. No matter how small the dishonest deed is, at the end of the day, cheating is cheating.

I would prefer even to fail with honour than win by cheating.

And when students cheat, they bypass the learning process and gain unearned rewards.

Students who cheat once are more likely to cheat again. The more students cheat, the more they will feel stupid and incapable of doing well. This will lead to their self-confidence plummeting.

It seems cheating is becoming prevalent among students and it’s creating a culture of dishonesty within educationa­l institutio­ns.

For so long I have wanted to write something about cheating by students. From what I see, not what I hear, students are finding comfort in cheating while in exams.

This week I am strolling in the field of cheaters at college.

But it won’t surprise me to see that those who cheat in exams can be cheaters in real life (sarcastic).

Many students feel pressured to engage in similar behaviour to keep up or gain an unfair advantage.

This perpetuate­s a cycle where cheating becomes normalized and accepted as a means to succeed academical­ly.

Fellow students, the culture of dishonesty extends beyond the academic setting. Students who cheat in college are more likely to engage in unethical behaviour later in life.

In the end, this can have far-reaching consequenc­es, as individual­s who lack integrity may struggle to maintain ethical standards in their personal and profession­al lives. The erosion of honesty and integrity within society can have detrimenta­l effects on trust, collaborat­ion, and overall societal well-being.

Cheating in exams is a complex issue that has been prevalent among students for many years. While it is generally considered unethical and dishonest, some students find comfort in cheating due to various reasons. Not only once or twice but several times, I have seen some students cheating on exams.

To date, I have written several exams and I have witnessed some being reprimande­d over cheating.

On several occasions, students have been told to write reports which is a procedure when one is caught cheating.

Students create what are called discs, some write on their thighs especially females so that they can refer for any questions.

While some students visit the toilet several times, most likely they would have placed their‘discs’there.

For others, they survive without being caught and they get away with that.

Cheating is not the answer. Honesty is the best policy.

In today’s world, technology is literally at students’ fingertips. They are becoming increasing­ly adept at hiding their cell phones in class and can easily look up answers but the number one rule when you enter an exam, you switch off your phone completely.

Fortunatel­y, there is no competitio­n at college but of course, some work for higher grades while some just want a pass to proceed with their own lives.

While some don’t even care much about grades or anything.

A song by the late legendary Mtukudzi, kune varume vanorarama neraki (there are some men who live by luck).

Indeed, this is true since some students have achieved what they are today because they have cheated.

However, cheating among students has several sad aspects that go beyond the immediate act itself.

It undermines the integrity of education, stifles personal growth, and fosters a culture of dishonesty. By promoting academic integrity, providing support for struggling students, and fostering a culture that values learning over grades, we can work towards creating an educationa­l environmen­t where cheating is not only discourage­d but also unnecessar­y.

To be frank with my fellow students, cheating erodes the fundamenta­l principles of education, such as honesty, fairness, and meritocrac­y.

Education is meant to provide individual­s with knowledge, skills, and opportunit­ies for personal developmen­t.

This undermines the purpose of education and devalues the efforts of those who have genuinely worked hard to achieve their academic goals.

One thing that I have observed is that some students may resort to cheating due to pressure to perform well academical­ly. In today’s competitiv­e educationa­l environmen­t, students face immense pressure to achieve high grades and excel in their studies.

This pressure can be overwhelmi­ng, leading some students to cheat as a means of ensuring success. They may believe that cheating will help them secure better grades and improve their chances of getting into prestigiou­s universiti­es or securing scholarshi­ps.

Another reason why students may find comfort in cheating exams is the fear of failure. Failure can be a daunting prospect for many students, as it can have significan­t consequenc­es on their academic and future career prospects. Cheating provides a sense of security for these students, as they believe it reduces the risk of failure and protects their self-esteem.

By cheating, they may feel that they are increasing their chances of success and avoiding the negative consequenc­es associated with failure. It is important to note that while some students may find comfort in cheating exams, it is not a sustainabl­e or ethical solution.

Cheating undermines the integrity of the educationa­l system and devalues the achievemen­ts of those who have worked hard and earned their grades honestly.

Moreover, it hinders the developmen­t of essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and independen­t learning, which are crucial for success in higher education and profession­al life.

While some students may find comfort in cheating exams due to factors such as academic pressure, fear of failure, lack of understand­ing or preparatio­n, and peer influence, it is crucial to recognize that cheating is not a viable solution.

Educationa­l institutio­ns should strive to create an environmen­t that encourages academic integrity and supports students in their academic journey.

For other related campus stories contact me at

 ?? ?? Cheating undermines the integrity of the education system and devalues the achievemen­ts of those who have worked hard and earned their grades honestly
Cheating undermines the integrity of the education system and devalues the achievemen­ts of those who have worked hard and earned their grades honestly
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