The Herald (Zimbabwe)

NRZ clears $5 billion pension debts

- Oliver Kazunga Senior Business Reporter

THE National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) has cleared its pension arrears, which had ballooned to over $5 billion, marking a crucial milestone as the State-owned entity moves to clear its long-standing legacy debts, including those owed to statutory bodies.

In a statement, the rail operator said the pension arrears amounting to more than $5 billion were accumulate­d over a long period.

“These arrears, amounting to over $5 billion, were accumulate­d over the years, mainly due to the meticulous computatio­n of monthly pensions, considerin­g the pensioners’ career details, salary structures, and applicable increments.

“So bad was the NRZ’s state of indebtedne­ss that the Insurance and Pension Commission (IPEC) ranked it as the second worst in terms of pension debt when it released its name-andshame list in 2022.

“But the new NRZ management has committed itself to ensuring that the debt is cleared,” said the parastatal.

NRZ is led by Respina Zinyanduko, the new general manager appointed to the post in December 2021 at a time when the State rail operator was going through a restructur­ing exercise designed to address numerous constraint­s that bedeviled the parastatal.

The restructur­ing exercise has also seen NRZ aligning its management structure and workforce to the scale of its business operations.

NRZ public affairs and stakeholde­r relations manager Mr Andrew Kunambura confirmed the developmen­t saying it was part of the new management’s thrust of clearing all legacy debts.

“The new management led by general manager Ms Respina Zinyanduko has made it a priority to clear all legacy debts.

“You will understand that on her appointmen­t, she was charged with the responsibi­lity to stabilise the company whose reputation was dented by several legacy issues, among them outstandin­g employee salaries, ZIMRA PAYE and VAT, ZIMDEF, NSSA, Railmed and Pension Fund debts.

“This is in addition to a long list of foreign debts which threatened the survival of the business.

“As we speak, all these statutory debts have been cleared. The company’s employees are remunerate­d on time and are not owed a dime anymore and now the pension arrears have been cleared. It’s a sign of good things to come,” he said.

Mr Kunambura said the NRZ general manager demanded maximum effort from the management team with the results now starting to be realised as a debt clearance plan is well on course.

“We are now getting to a point where the NRZ balance sheet gets attractive to potential investors.

“To date, NRZ has managed to clear most local legacy debts like salaries, ZIMRA PAYE, VAT, Railmed and other statutory obligation­s.”

“Under her leadership, we have also managed to reduce foreign debts like those owed to Hethimex and Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM, Mozambique Ports and Railways),” he said.

In the past, CFM was owed US$6 million and threatened to ban NRZ trains into Mozambique.

However, the CFM debt has been reduced to US$3,2 million.

“That part payment has helped greatly to normalise our relations with CFM and we can now do business together in peace.

“Today we are witnessing yet another key achievemen­t in our debt clearance plan.

“NRZ no longer owes the NRZ Pension fund. The outstandin­g debt was accruing punitive interest and management took a bold decision to clear the debt for the benefit of both serving and former employees. All these debts were cleared using internally generated funds,” said Mr Kunambura.On the operationa­l side, NRZ committed a certain percentage of its monthly cash flow towards procuremen­t of spares and rehabilita­tion of infrastruc­ture while waiting for its several recapitali­sation initiative­s to bear fruit.

Recently, NRZ board chairman Advocate Mike Madiro said his organisati­on was close to securing a US$115 million loan facility from the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximban­k) from which US$81 million would be used to procure rolling stock from RITES Limited of India. ◆ Read more on www.herald business.

 ?? (File Picture) ?? NRZ has restructur­ed its management and workforce to align the business to the scale of its operations
(File Picture) NRZ has restructur­ed its management and workforce to align the business to the scale of its operations

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