The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Teen scientist turning bricks into super-capacitors

- Phillipa Mukome-chinhoi youth Interactiv­e correspond­ent

“FROM the moment I discovered that l could bring the change l wanted to see in the world with science, I began working on research projects and ideas that solved problems in my community.”

“I noticed that issues to do with research and other fields of science like space exploratio­n were not highly promoted in Zimbabwe, henceforth engaged in science and thought of starting an organisati­on that seeks to improve lives, and inspire and fulfill curiosity in children of all ages through Space Exploratio­n and Astronomy.”

This was said by 18-year-old Ruvarashe Moyo, the CEO of Junior Space Explorers who is a young scientist passionate about bringing sustainabl­e developmen­t to her community and country at large.

She is doing lower 6th at USAP Community School in Goromonzi.

“I co-founded Junior Space Explorers, in the bid to expose more children in Africa to space exploratio­n and science,” she said.

Ruvarashe said she grew up as a curious young person who always questioned why and how things around her were happening.

She didn’t know what she actually wanted out of life.

“l only knew that l needed to pass my final exams and continue to college then start working and earn a good living waiting to die.”

“My life changed from just being curious to being curious with a purpose and passion to bring solutions to problems facing people in my community.”

“Through science, l has found my joy and family and fulfillmen­t as it has helped me live a life of impact,” explained Ruvarashe.

However, her interest in Science has led her to win several medals and internship­s from different institutio­ns.

In 2020, she was a Broadcom

Masters Internatio­nal Delegate, and the first African to intern at the University of California Santa Cruz in the Science Internship Program.

She was a 2022 Regeneron ISEF finalist, ISEF is the world’s largest science competitio­n for high school students.

She represente­d Zimbabwe in the Genius Olympiad, where she scooped a bronze medal and a scholarshi­p to RIT University.

Ruvarashe is a two-time Zimbabwe Science Fair gold medalist, and a three-time Africa Science Buskers Festival gold medalist.

“I am also glad to tell you that in May this year, l went to ISEF again and won a special award from Ricoh. l would like to appreciate W2 Industries which sponsored my air ticket and also my school USAP for the support,”.

“I want to appreciate my former teacher from Queen Elizabeth High School who changed the way l perceived things. Mr. Chikundi, my science teacher showed me the life of purpose, he introduced me to the word science, not science as a subject that we learned in class but science as a weapon to make an impact in my community.

“I took the word science to define me and help me navigate my purpose in life. My first project was to generate electricit­y from bacteria in mud.

“I did the project because l wanted to solve electricit­y challenges in my community. I then did another project of turning bricks into super-capacitors also to solve electricit­y challenges,”.

“My other project was to investigat­e the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in sewage and water supply. l later developed a novel water purificati­on device that degrades biological contaminat­es using clay bricks as a photo catalyst,” said Ruvarashe.

The most important thing is to find what you love to do. I have also learnt that no man is an island, you always need people as mentors to help you.

Ruvarashe said she used to run away from failure and ended up not exploring other things.

“In the future, l plan to expand Junior Space Explorers so that it can train a new generation of young researcher­s. We need more people who can solve humanity’s grand challenges,”.

“To other young people out there, always follow your heart and do things that you love and care about. Do not do things that other people are doing. I believe if you are passionate about what you are doing nothing will stop you from succeeding. Passion is the fuel to success,” she said.

Ruvarashe encouraged her peers to follow their dreams.

“Never be afraid to fail, failure is the process of learning. In research, things get very hard at times. Cry if you think it might help but do not ever quit. Imagine if all those inventors like Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers had quit, what would the world be like today? If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan not the goal,”.

Currently she is currently advancing her research project of turning bricks into super-capacitors to use chemicals that are locally available making renewable energy accessible to all.

She plans to be the first-ever massive outreach campaign in Africa that will bring profession­al astronomer­s and the wider public together.

 ?? ?? Ruvarashe Moyo
Ruvarashe Moyo

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