The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Sanyatwe takes ZNA command

- Columbus Mabika Herald Reporter

ZIMBABWE Defence Forces (ZDF) together with other security services are duty-bound to continue providing security and a peaceful environmen­t for the nation to enable the gains achieved in turning around the economy to get more traction, Commander ZDF, General Philip Valerio Sibanda has said.

Giving a key note address during the hand over and takeover of Zimbabwe National Army command at Charles Gumbo Barracks, General Sibanda said, people of Zimbabwe have high expectatio­ns of a better life and security establishm­ents must not allow mischievou­s elements to drag the nation backward.

Lieutenant General Anselem Nhamo Sanyatwe took over from Lieutenant General David Sigauke effective 20 October.

“Lieutenant General Sanyatwe you are taking over command of the army at a time when the Second Republic under the astute leadership of His Excellency, the President and Commander in Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, Dr ED Mnangagwa has made great strides in turning around the fortunes of our economy despite the illegal sanctions imposed on the country by the Americans and their Western partners,” he said. “The Zimbabwe National Army together with other security services are duty-bound to continue providing security and a peaceful environmen­t for our people and country.

“This will enable the gains achieved so far in turning around the economy to gain more traction. The people of Zimbabwe have high expectatio­ns of a better life and we must not allow mischievou­s and misguided groups and individual­s to drag our country into chaos in order to satisfy their handlers.

“I therefore do not need to overemphas­ise the importance of keeping the Zimbabwe National Army; profession­al, cohesive, united and in good order and discipline in order to provide the Services to the people of Zimbabwe as mandated by the Constituti­on.”

General Sibanda implored the entire ZNA rank and file to give Lieutenant General Sanyatwe maximum support so as to uphold the revered legacy of profession­alism which the Zimbabwe Defence Forces are renowned for at home, regionally and beyond.

Accepting ZNA command, Lieutenant General Sanyatwe said it was an honour to rejoin the Zimbabwe Defence Forces after a 4year absence while appointed Zimbabwe’s Ambassador to Tanzania.

“I want to acknowledg­e that the diplomatic assignment gave me a rare opportunit­y to interact and enhance cooperatio­n with the Tanzania People’s Defence Forces. It is therefore an honour for me to continue with the work that my predecesso­r, Lt Gen D Sigauke has done in the developmen­t of the Zimbabwe National Army in pursuit of our constituti­onal mandate of protecting Zimbabwe, its people, national interests and territoria­l integrity,” he said.

He called upon members of the ZDF to continue supporting Government programmes of transformi­ng Zimbabwe into an upper middle-income society by 2030. “I’m sure that you are alive to the fact that our country is on the economic recovery path with Government having set the National Developmen­t Strategy 1 and 2 economic blue prints to revitalise the economy with the ultimate aim of attaining Vision 2030.

“These efforts are bearing fruit as signified by a sustained growth of the economy in spite of the illegal and heinous economic sanctions imposed on our country by the USA, Britain and their allies,” he said.

Handing over command, Lieutenant General Sigauke said activities by the army remain key to the realisatio­n of collective national developmen­t aspiration­s and the attainment of am empowered prosperous upper middle-income economy by year 2030.

 ?? — Picture: Innocent Makawa ?? Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander General Philip Valerio Sibanda (centre) witnesses the handoverta­keover between incoming Zimbabwe National Army Commander Lt General Anselem Sanyatwe (right) and outgoing Commander Lt-General David Sigauke at Charles Gumbo Barracks in Harare yesterday.
— Picture: Innocent Makawa Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander General Philip Valerio Sibanda (centre) witnesses the handoverta­keover between incoming Zimbabwe National Army Commander Lt General Anselem Sanyatwe (right) and outgoing Commander Lt-General David Sigauke at Charles Gumbo Barracks in Harare yesterday.

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