The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Social issues overshadow EPL return


Player power was behind the Premier League’s move to put “Black Lives Matter” on the back of shirts for the first 12 games.

“To give them that much power is a line in the sand for the Premier League about where they are going and on what side of history they want to stand,” said former Arsenal and England striker Ian Wright, who was racially abused online last month.

Sterling has used his profile as one of the top players in the English top-flight to encourage young black footballer­s to speak out.

After suffering alleged racial abuse in a match against Chelsea in December 2018, Sterling challenged the media for the way in which they portrayed black players compared with their white counterpar­ts.

Footballer­s are not just using their enormous social media followings in the fight against racism.

Manchester United’s Marcus Rashford this week forced a government U-turn within two days of launching a campaign to ensure children who receive free school meals are fed throughout the summer holidays.

“It’s becoming more normal that people speak out on topics that they believe in and I think it’s just positive for the future,” said the 22-year-old forward.

“People understand they have a voice and the way we channel it and use it is important.”

Rashford has also spoken of the impact Sterling has had on him.

“The first important factor I saw in that was Raheem when he went through his situation being racially abused and how he stood up to that,” said Rashford.

“I think that was the turning point for a lot of people. Sometimes it takes that person to do what Raheem did. It’s definitely changed the view on how to approach situations for individual­s in the sport.”

Former Liverpool captain Jamie Carragher says such acts give the lie to the stereotype of the current crop of players as pampered individual­s, arguing they are instead “enlightene­d and pioneering”.

“Today’s players use their voice to push for social change, which means putting themselves on a pedestal where they know they will be targeted, or told they should ‘stick to football,’” he said.

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