The Herald (Zimbabwe)

With faith when God says it’s yours, it will be

- Bishop Dr B. Manjoro Dunamis

OPE is not bad, it is like window shopping but not buying anything. Believe before you have what you want and then you will have it; believe before you see.

John 20; 26-29 reads: “Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said ‘peace be with you’.”

Then he said to Thomas: “Put your finger here and see my hands, and put out your hand and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve but believe.’’

Thomas answered him: “My Lord and my God’’. Jesus said to him, ‘Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed’.’’

Today I’m going to share with you about faith; this is much talked about in Pentecosta­l churches. Believing is a verb but faith is a noun, a name of a thing, meaning that it is tangible, the substance of things hoped for.

Before we were born again we had mere faith, now that we are born again we must begin to act on faith.

Jesus told Thomas to believe before he sees. He was telling us to believe that businesses are going to be resurrecte­d, doors that were closed for years will be opened, and that house that has been on foundation level for the past six years will go above window level.

We call this man “doubting Thomas” but we all begin like him, believing after we have seen, one should just do so and manifestat­ion will come later.

When I pray I believe that something is happening without caring about what others are saying about the prevailing situation, because God is not a man that he can go back on His word.

This year pray, fast, and read the word if you want visitation to come to your house, there should be faith found in you. Visitation doesn’t imply seeing angels only, the Lord visits also those closed doors, causing them to open; if you find grace to hear or see then praise be to God, if you have not yet found it, the key to your miracle is believing.

What is it you are asking God for, do you want to see it before you have it? Then believe.

Let there be faith in you always, with it you will celebrate for a miracle that is on its way though not seen yet. You will tell everyone of things they have never achieved. Even if they say no one in your family drove a car, continue declaring for one until it comes. If God is with you, then who can say it’s impossible? Many have been in church for years, its high time your life changes, when the whole world says “No” you say “Yes”.

When you see yourself unable to tell anyone that you will achieve a certain goal, know that you lack faith, you are just hoping. You are afraid if things do not turn out the way you expect and you get ashamed.

I tell you believe before you see; the Lord won’t let you down for He has no history of failure. Believing after you see has a disadvanta­ge, situations that will rise after something good has happened will tell you that your plans are out of reach. With faith when God says it’s yours it will be so, that is why Paul said if God’s vote is on my side who can say no?

The 10 lepers were healed on their way to show themselves to the priest after Jesus’ instructio­n, that’s faith. On a similar note, a leader of a thousand soldiers asked Him not to go to his house but only to say the word and his servant will be healed. Living by faith is not only theory but practical as well; it has been my way of life for the past 57 years.

Believe and rejoice before you see,

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