The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Musekiwa escapes severe sanctions


WINDHOEK. - MTC Namibia Premier Soccer League chairman Patrick Kauta on Wednesday said the league would not initiate criminal prosecutio­n against Zimbabwean Tapiwa Musekiwa, who admitted to forging his identity documents to play for demoted Young African last season.

Kauta told reporters here that the player, who masquerade­d as Albert Mujikijera in all but two of Young African’s 30 fixtures for the 2017-18 league campaign, had already accepted and served his punishment when he was banned for seven matches.

While Musekiwa appears to have escaped further retributio­n and continues to enjoy life in domestic and continenta­l club football, Young African were severely penalised after being found guilty on two counts of fraud.

The Gobabis-based club dropped to the dormant first division with immediate effect, and were fined N$50 000 for fielding an ineligible player.

“I’m hearing this criminal aspect a lot. The Premier League has no jurisdicti­on on criminal activity. If you believe there’s a criminal aspect, you are free to go and lay a charge at the police,” Kauta said.

Musekiwa is now signed to Kauta-chaired Premier League title holders African Stars for whom he has thus far featured in one league encounter, and in the CAF Champions League as well as CAF Confederat­ion Cup.

“The Premier League’s jurisdicti­on lies with punishing members, players, staff or whatever within the rules,” Kauta argued. - The Namibian

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