The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Chebundo handed heavy defeat

- Freedom Mupanedemo Midlands Bureau

MDC-ALLIANCE parliament­ary candidate for Kwekwe Central, Mr Blessing Chebundo yesterday suffered a heavy blow after he was beaten by his closest rival, Mr Masango “Blackman” Matambanad­zo of the National Patriotic Front in the race to represent the constituen­cy.

Mr Chebundo was using the #KwekweHim campaign tag, which he borrowed from the self-exiled Former Minister of informatio­n, Professor Jonathan Moyo, to incite people in Kwekwe not to vote President Mnangagwa, whom he beat twice in elections for the Kwekwe Central seat.

As soon as the election results for the Kwekwe Central started trickling in, with the district command Centre finally posting results showing Mr Matambanad­zo as the winner with 7 578 against Mr Chebundo’s 7 122 votes, wild cheers started to erupt on the streets of Kwekwe as Mr Matambanad­zo supporters celebrated the victory.

Business came to a standstill as Mr Matambanad­zo went around the streets while being lifted by his jubilant fans with a convoy of cars honking and skidding.

Some excited supporters could be seen rolling on the tarmac in front of oncoming cars.

Mr Matambanad­zo, who was fired from Zanu-PF for alleged insubordin­ation said he was elated to emerge victorious against all odds.

A self-confessed Grade Two dropout, Mr Matambanad­zo said he owed his win to the Kwekwe community for helping him trounce even highly educated people who were eyeing the same seat.

“I was contesting against renowned lawyers, church Bishops who are always praying for themselves and their congregant­s. God is amazing, I owe this to the people of Kwekwe,” he said.

Mr Chebundo said he was not yet at liberty to comment on the results.

Other candidates that were contesting the Kwekwe Central seat were Cde Kandros Mugabe of Zanu-PF, Tongai Madhonoro of ZIPP, Learnmore Muparazi of PRC party and Mr Josinia Maupa who was contesting as an independen­t.

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