The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Seek his presence continuall­y


1 Chronicles 16 vs 11; “Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face always.”

HAVE you ever noticed that the moments when you seek God and you are closest to Him are when you are at your lowest or you are in trouble? In moments like these prayer and meditation is easy, you are constantly knocking on heaven’s doors.

The minute the problem subsides your prayer life literally dies.

All of a sudden you are just too busy to fit God into your life, and the only other time you consider fully engaging Him is if the problems reoccur.

Many people seek Him out of fear, desperatio­n, and the need to overcome problems, not because it’s the right thing to do.

A lot of different things can harden our hearts and prevent us from seeking His counsel and company.

However, we should make it a point to commune with Him on a daily basis because we want to and it’s the right thing to do.

That way, when problems come along, because of our relationsh­ip with Him, we will know it’s only a passing phase, just another one of life’s challenges that He will help overcome.

Nothing can bring more pleasure than having your heart warmed by His love.

Make God the number one priority in your life and He will surely be faithful to you, in good times and in bad times.

He has promised to always be there if only you can just try to find Him every day and get to know Him for who He is, love personifie­d. Let us find Him today. Be blessed.

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