The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu-PF Youths preach unity

- Nyore Madzianike Manicaland Bureau

ZANU-PF youth leadership in Manicaland has taken heed of President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa’s call for unity and are working towards developmen­t as they have embarked on a unificatio­n exercise in the party’s eight districts.

Provincial youth leader Cde Tawanda Mukodza said they kicked-off the programme on Monday and were also taking the opportunit­y to inform people of the resolution­s made during the ZANU-PF Extraordin­ary Congress held in Harare last week.

“As youths, we will be going to all the province’s eight districts, telling them about what we were told by our President, that we should be united,” he said.

“We would like to unite youths and bring to an end all divisions which were in the party. We started the exercise on Monday.”

Cde Mukodza said they would be preaching the gospel of peace as the party prepares for next year’s harmonised elections.

He said they would be looking into empowermen­t opportunit­ies in each district.

“We will also look at how we could empower youths economical­ly,” said Cde Mukodza.

“The first priority is that youths should get land. It was one of the resolution­s made that youths should get the remaining land and we will be pushing for that.

“We will also tell our youths to shun violence as we go into elections. The main agenda is to inform them that our candidate is President Mnangagwa. This time I am sure that the process of unifying youths will be easy as criminals who were causing factionali­sm have been uprooted from the party.”

Cde Mukodza said they were contemplat­ing institutin­g investigat­ions into some individual­s who were undertakin­g corrupt activities in the name of the ruling party.

He said they had resolved not to protect anyone who would be fingered in the investigat­ions.

“We are very alive to the fact that there are some people who are being alleged to have undertaken corrupt activities, stealing from the poor using the party’s name,” he said.

“I think a forensic audit will be undertaken where those suspected to have stolen from people will face the law. We will name and shame those who were involved. People had a tendency of protecting each other using the party’s name.

“This time we will shame them. We will not protect individual­s who were stealing from people and if there is reasonable suspicion, disciplina­ry action will be taken against them. I think we will do a forensic audit.”

Cde Mukodza said they would also take the opportunit­y to mobilise youths to register and vote during the 2018 harmonised elections.

“As ZANU-PF , we are looking forward to a resounding victory during next year’s elections and we are going ward by ward, encouragin­g youths to go and register as voters.”

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