The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The story of your life


1 Peter 4 vs 13; “. . . but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.”

I attended the funeral service of a friend’s sisterin-law recently. She was someone I had known for many years. Over the last few years she had been battling cancer.

As her priest presided over the evening mass, he spoke of how good the departed had been and the kindness and love she had shown him. He shared how she had assisted and encouraged him when he approached her with his desire to become a priest.

His testimony was of a God-filled woman whose desire was righteousn­ess and goodness. He chronicled how on one occasion during the course of her illness they had spoken about matters of faith and she had said that though she was in pain, she was happy.

I thought of those words and reflected on them, what she was saying is that “I may be bedridden, afflicted and at a point where I can tell that my end is near, but I am a happy person.”

When faced with problems and tragedy we are often thrown off course, happiness is rarely part of the experience. We become engulfed with the issues of this world and peace of mind eludes us. However, within all this, it is possible to find happiness and to be able to focus and dwell on the things that matter.

Be blessed.

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