The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Overcoming your vices

- Romans 6 vs 11-12; “Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.”

TODAY I met a young man I had not seen in many years, the last time I saw him he was not as distinguis­hed as he is now.

Life is amazing, it can transform an ordinary person into an extraordin­ary human being.

As we were chatting he shared with me some very interestin­g insights on life. He told me that each one of us has one or more vices which we either run away from or entertain and the way we deal with these vices determines who we are.

It got me thinking of my own vices and the things I struggle to overcome.

I assume there are so many people like me who sometimes do things for reasons they can’t quite comprehend.

It’s sometimes easier to be philosophi­cal and give common answers like “we can overcome”, but often those answers don’t quite address the issues that we grapple and struggle with.

Are you suffering or do you feel you need help?

Prayer is a powerful tool for conviction, but as you use it to address the issues of your life ask yourself this one question: why do I do the things I do, what is the underlying driver?

As you come to discover the answers you are seeking, resist the urge to please self above all else.

Let us all pray that the Lord will help us see sanity and become better people. As He opens our eyes to the things we desire, He will surely correct our ways and give us strength. Be blessed. REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS ... ◆ For more info: Visit our website:; e-mail us on:; catch us on StarFM, Monday to Friday at 0620hours.

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