The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The truth shall set you free


PROVERBS 12 vs 22

“Lying lips are an abominatio­n to the Lord, But those who deal truthfully are His delight.”

A famous car manufactur­ing company was recently caught out and exposed for having said something that was untrue. Their crime is that they had lied and misled the world at large. There was an internatio­nal outcry because of the lies they had told.

All hell broke loose, resulting in the CEO and the board of directors stepping down in shame, after they had been exposed. Not long before that, a famous politician had stepped down because of the lies he had told that had been discovered.

As I thought about it I realised how interestin­g it is that one can literally get away with everything when it comes to issues related to morality, but the standard set for what can and cannot be said is very high. A certain section of society will not forgive someone who tells lies.

Somehow people have become so accustomed to telling lies that it has got to a point where the truth is twisted in a bid to get ahead or achieve an objective. We have even got to a point where we categorise lies according to “how serious they are”, there are white lies and blue lies. The reality is an untruth is an untruth, period.

It is sometimes easier to manage circumstan­ces, situations, events and outcomes by twisting the truth; this is something we are all guilty of. When confronted with unfamiliar circumstan­ces and a possibilit­y he was not sure of, Abraham was quick to sell off his wife as a sister. Only when his actions began to bring misfortune into the home of Pharaoh and he was found out, did he own up that he had told an untruth.

It’s so much easier to mask things with untruth. However, it reveals the type of person you are. It shows that you have a total lack of trust in God above, because you are eager to twist and change your fortunes using your own interventi­ons.

Like Abraham, these interventi­ons can sometimes have negative outcomes for all concerned. The truth may not be palatable but once it has been said, what more can possibly occur other than acceptance?

I have known people who tell all manner of tales in a bid to achieve a desired outcome, an expedient outcome that is not divine in nature and will not stand the test of time. Before long, you will face something similar and, like Abraham, you will continue to fail the test.

Be blessed!

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