NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Gated communitie­s take over Harare


DOZENS of skilled workers painstakin­gly craft the foundation­s of a new kind of lifestyle about 20 kilometres west of Harare’s central business district where Spitzkop gated community is steadily taking shape.

Dust motes dance in the sunlight, swirling around what promises to be a tranquil sanctuary.

Beneath the whirring of machinery and the rhythmic crunch of gravel, the arteries of Spitzkop are taking form.

The roads, soon to be smooth ribbons of asphalt, are currently a fascinatin­g tableau of meticulous planning and raw potential.

Workers, their movements practiced and precise, lay the groundwork.

A symphony of clangs and thuds accompanie­s the meticulous placement of crushed rock; each layer carefully compacted to create a solid foundation. Keen eyes ensure the perfect gradient, ensuring rainwater flows smoothly to designated drainage points.

Above this base, a layer of asphalt takes shape. Pavers, skilled in their craft, wield large machines that lay the dark, molten material with practiced ease.

The air is thick with the reassuring scent of tar, a tangible promise of smooth journeys ahead.

On either side of the nascent roads, curbs are being poured. These sleek, modern borders, crafted from smooth concrete, will not only define the roadways, but also provide a clean aesthetic.

Utility crews, their work unseen but vital, lay the groundwork for a subterrane­an network — pipes for water, lines for electricit­y and conduits for high-speed internet, all seamlessly integrated into the evolving landscape.

But the heart of Spitzkop's modern appeal lies at its entrance gate. The gate itself will be a marvel of modern engineerin­g. A silent, automated sliding mechanism will ensure smooth operation, responding to resident key fobs or voice commands.

Gone will be the days of fumbling for keys or waiting for a guard to open the gate. Here, technology will seamlessly blend with security to create a sense of effortless arrival.

Highrange Property Developers chief executive Kuziva Zimunya said Spitzkop is not just being built; it's being designed for a life of comfort and convenienc­e.

From the meticulous­ly crafted roads to the sleek, modern entry gate, every detail whispers of a community built for the future.

“At Spitzkop, it’s not just building houses, we're crafting a lifestyle. The roads are being constructe­d with the utmost care, ensuring a smooth and safe journey for our residents. The modern entrance gate, a stunning blend of design and technology, will symbolise both the elegance and security of our community. We believe in creating a space where residents can truly feel at home, a place where every detail is meticulous­ly planned for their comfort and well-being,” he said.

Zimunya — whose vast portfolio of land being developed by his company includes Fairview, Rydale Ridge, Boronia and Warwick among other areas in towns like Kwekwe, Norton, Chegutu and Masvingo said the houses in Spitzkop will assume a variety of lifestles.

“Nestled within the meticulous­ly planned streets of Spitzkop will be a collection of homes designed to cater to a variety of lifestyles, all adhering to a range of 200-300-square-metre footprints,” he said.

Spitzkop is just an iceberg of emerging gated communitie­s in the country.

These secure enclaves with manicured lawns and guarded entrances are offering a haven of security and exclusivit­y for a growing segment of the population.

Gated communitie­s are fast becoming the talk of the town with residentia­l areas such as Borrowdale Brooke, Pokugara Estate, Arlington, Mabvazuva and Aspindale Park being the pioneers of this spreading phenomenon.

Westprop chief executive Ken Sharpe whose company boasts several gated communitie­s said most neighbourh­oods are being transforme­d into smart cities.

“Our developmen­ts can best be described as smart cities, digital cities, wired cities, intelligen­t cities among a host of other adjectives used to describe the modernity and luxury lifestyle we are introducin­g,” he said.

He added “We are building neighbourh­oods where people can live, work, play and shop in. We are bringing completene­ss, self-sustaining neighbourh­oods and safe communitie­s for women and children.

“Neighbourh­oods with indoor sports facilities, workstatio­ns, shopping malls, internet connectivi­ty and green energy in the form of solar energy and above all a lifetime experience to live in style.”

Sharpe’s company boasts of Pokugara Residentia­l Estate consisting of 147 high end townhouses and stand-alone residentia­l homes, Millennium Heights which consists of 1000 apartments varying in sizes from studio to four bedrooms, Millennium Office Park and the flagship Mall of Zimbabwe.

“The entire developmen­t will be decorated with beautiful parkland including the rehabilita­ted wetland core which will introduce birdlife, aqua life and allow residents to look at a beautiful lake feature similar to Dubai Hills in Dubai or Hyde Park in London,” he said.

Urban planner Mike Vareta said gated communitie­s were on the rise because of the safety they offer.

“Safety concerns have long been a factor for Harare residents. Gated communitie­s address this head-on, with controlled entry points, perimeter security, and often, 24/7 security personnel. This creates a haven of peace of mind, allowing residents to relax and enjoy their homes without worry,” he said.

“Gated communitie­s foster a unique sense of togetherne­ss. Residents become neighbours by design, sharing not just a physical space, but a common desire for a secure and fulfilling lifestyle. Social events organized within the community create opportunit­ies to connect, build friendship­s, and forge a sense of belonging.”

He further noted: “Gated communitie­s often boast high-quality homes, adhering to modern architectu­ral styles. Think open-plan living areas bathed in natural light, beautifull­y landscaped gardens, and top-of-the-line finishes. Owning a home in a gated community becomes a statement — a declaratio­n of one's desire for a sophistica­ted and secure lifestyle.”

Built environmen­t specialist Kimpton Chigara said the rise of gated communitie­s reflects a changing Harare.

“Busy profession­als and families are seeking havens from the hustle and bustle of city life. They crave a sense of security, a place where they can raise their children and relax in peace. Gated communitie­s offer just that, a complete lifestyle package that caters to a growing segment of the population,” he said.

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