H Metro


- Latwell Nyangu

WHAT did Varaidzo Marylyn Kunze post about Shepherd Chipatiko which really irked her ex-husband?

The South Africa-based businessma­n is now demanding back the R1,6 million (about US$91 000) he splashed on lobola and marriage celebratio­ns from Varaidzo.

Their short-lived marriage collapsed amid a tsunami of vicious personal attacks.

The marriage collapsed in December last year and he is suing her for R15 000k for allegedly peddling falsehoods against him.

This is what Varaidzo posted on social media:

“As most of you know I was married to Shepherd Chipatiko. This is with great sadness to inform you that we are no longer together.

“Shepherd Chipatiko was formerly married to the mother of his first children, which was his first wife before I met him.

“Thereafter he married and stayed with two other women in a space of two years before me which I only found out recently from his family but (they are) also no longer together.

“Our marriage is the third marriage in the space of 4 years and also has ended and he moved out of our matrimonia­l to cohabit with his new girlfriend at his new home.”

She added:

“A lady by the name Caroline Mugarisanw­a, an Elder at ZAOGA who we hired to do my birthday decor last year September in my home, and thereafter, started cheating with my husband after my birthday.

“I went through the worst time while he was cheating with this woman. I believe he may have his own version which he untruthful­ly tells to substantia­te his marriage to this woman, but the above is what transpired.

“Last Saturday, after moving out of our home he married this same woman, Carol Mugarisanw­a, for the 4th time in a space of 4 years. Who is meant to be an Elder at ZAOGA?

“I wish them the very best and may this message be the answer to anyone who has been having any questions and will not be mentioning it again.

“My inbox is very full with questions I believe this will answer all or most of your questions.”

However, Shepherd told H-Metro Varaidzo was not who she claimed to be.

“What irks me more is that her mother knew her daughter’s games of defrauding men.

“Varaidzo wanted to give me her young sister to cover up for her lies and I refused.

“She further wanted to give me her daughter Thando Sibanda and I refused.

“After we got married, a man called Lawrence Mhuka from Cape Town, claimed that she was pregnant for him.

“We are currently hunting for her and have since reported the matter to the police here in South Africa, with expectatio­ns that the hunt for her begins now.”

 ?? ?? VARAIDZO Marylyn Kunze
VARAIDZO Marylyn Kunze

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