H Metro



LONDON. - London’s Natural History Museum and Cambridge University have said they are ready to co-operate with Zimbabwe to return human remains that were taken in the colonial era.

The fresh statements come after a delegation from Zimbabwe held talks with officials from both institutio­ns.

The Zimbabwean­s are looking for the skulls of late-19th Century anti-colonial heroes, which they believe could be in the UK.

Authoritie­s in Zimbabwe have long suspected that the remains of some of the leaders of an uprising against British rule in the 1890s - known as the First Chimurenga - were taken to the UK as trophies.

The most significan­t among them was Mbuya Nehanda.

She was executed in Harare and is revered as a national heroine.

In doing a search of its archive, the Natural History Museum did uncover 11 remains “that appear to be originally from Zimbabwe” - but its records do not connect them with Nehanda.

These include three skulls taken in 1893, thought to be from Zimbabwe’s second city, Bulawayo, as well as remains uncovered in mineshafts and archaeolog­ical digs and later donated.

Cambridge University’s Duckworth Laboratory has not been so specific, simply saying it has “a small number of human remains from Zimbabwe”, but in a statement sent to the BBC it said it had not identified any of these as belonging to First Chimurenga figures.

The Natural History Museum, with 25,000 human remains, and the Duckworth Laboratory, with 18,000, have some of the largest such archives in the world.

These have come from a variety of sources including archaeolog­ical excavation­s of ancient sites, but for many the exact origins have been obscured by time.

During the colonial era, body parts were sometimes removed from battlefiel­ds or dug up from graves either as trophies or for research into a now-discredite­d scientific field.

In the 19th Century, phrenology, which investigat­ed the idea that human characteri­stics could be determined by the shape of the skull, was very popular in the UK and other parts of Europe.

Phrenologi­cal societies would collect skulls to help develop the theory, which for some extended to racial classifica­tion.

Some researcher­s set out to show that skull shape indicated that people from different parts of the world were inherently inferior.

Some of the archives that now exist in the UK are amalgamati­ons of what had been amassed by defunct phrenologi­cal societies as well as private collectors.

Zimbabwe’s government believes that somehow the skulls of the country’s heroes ended up in the archives of a British museum.

Chief among them were spiritual leaders, including Charwe Nyakasikan­a, who became known as Mbuya Nehanda as she was the medium of the revered ancestral spirit Nehanda.

In recent years, Zimbabwean officials have made several public statements saying it ended up in the Natural History Museum.

With a death cry of “my bones will surely rise”, Nehanda became an increasing­ly potent symbol for those fighting against white-minority rule in what was then known as Rhodesia.

A three-metre statue of Nehanda now stands over a major road in the centre of Harare.

At its unveiling in 2021, President Mnangagwa pledged to continue to call for the return of her skull and others from the Natural History Museum.

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Mbuya Nehanda Statue

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