Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Faith moves mountains


Matthew 17 vs 20

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

I was watching an athlete giving a speech after winning a race and they said, “Faith moves mountains, I had so much faith in myself, I never stopped believing I could win.” That made me think a little more about this statement that we use so much, we refer to the scripture all the time yet sometimes we miss the substance of it.

Jesus used the example of the mustard seed because it was probably one of the smallest things he could reference at that time. The lesson here was not in the amount of faith, surely the disciples had some faith because they had tried to cast out the demon themselves, but it was rather on where they placed their faith.

Even with the authority that Christ had given them to cast out demons, it was still Jesus working in them. Miracles are accomplish­ed by His power, not our own. Yes you should believe in yourself but true faith is trusting in God’s grace, His mercy and His compassion.

Just a little faith focused in the right direction will make God move in a situation and we will experience the supernatur­al breakthrou­ghs that His word promises. Faith means not relying on our own strength but on Christ, believing that He makes everything possible and knowing that is where the power lies. Even as small as a mustard seed, when faith is placed in the Almighty, it can become powerful enough to move mountains.

Be blessed

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