Chronicle (Zimbabwe)



Kembo Campbell Mohadi as Vice Presidents of the Republic of Zimbabwe. The swearing-in will be held at 1000hrs on Thursday, 28th December 2017 at State House, Harare.”

Gen Chiwenga (Rtd) and Cde Mohadi were last Saturday appointed Zanu-PF Vice Presidents and Second Secretarie­s.

Presidenti­al Press secretary Mr George Charamba said the appointmen­ts were done after extensive consultati­ons.

These consultati­ons, he said, included getting sentiments from the political leadership, war veterans, security arms of Government and traditiona­l leaders.

Cde Mohadi was born on November 15, 1949 in Beitbridge.

He did his Sub A up to Standard One in Beitbridge, including at Mtetengwe Primary School, before proceeding to Gwanda Primary School for Standard 2.

He proceeded to Manama High School in Matabelela­nd South province for secondary education and then to Goromonzi High School in Mashonalan­d East where he was kicked out while doing Form Three

Cde Mohadi joined the liberation struggle in the early 70s when he left the country for military training in Zambia via Botswana.

He later went to Russia for further training and on his return was attested to a department within Zapu called Zimbabwe Intelligen­ce Services under the command of Cde Ethan Dube but was detained at Khami Prison in 1976 until his release at Independen­ce in 1980.

He was appointed Defence, Security and War Veterans Minister last month.

He had served as the Minister of State for National Security in the President’s Office (2015 to 2017) and Minister of Home Affairs from 2002 to 2015.

Gen Chiwenga (Rtd) was born on August 25, 1956 in Wedza, Mashonalan­d East.

He attended secondary school at St Mary’s Mission in the same district before joining the liberation struggle as a 17-year-old and received military training in Zambia and Tanzania.

In 1974, he was appointed a member of the Zanla General Staff and rose to become a member of the Zanla High Command as deputy commissar in 1978.

During the ceasefire period, Gen Chiwenga (Rtd) was appointed to the ceasefire monitoring team assigned to Manicaland in 1980 and later moved to Masvingo the same year.

He was commission­ed a brigadier on April 16, 1981 and within the same year was appointed Commander of 1 Brigade.

In 1984, he was appointed Commander of 5 Brigade and later as brigadier-general based at Army Headquarte­rs until his promotion to majorgener­al, becoming Chief of Staff (Administra­tion and Quartermas­ter).

Another promotion in 1994 saw him assume the rank of lieutenant-general and Commander of the Zimbabwe National Army on the formation of the Zimbabwe Defence forces.

In 2004, Gen Chiwenga (Rtd) took over as ZDF Commander upon the retirement of the late national hero General Vitalis Zvinavashe.

 ??  ?? Hon Kembo Mohadi
Hon Kembo Mohadi
 ??  ?? Former President Robert Mugabe
Former President Robert Mugabe

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