Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Well done First Lady!


EDITOR: Well done Madam First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa for recognisin­g wetlands as an important thing, that a few place importance on.

This is a matter very close to my heart. Last year, a lot of people’s properties were destroyed due to flooding and these victims were settled in wetlands. People should never settle on a wetland.

Saviour Kasukuwere presided over the destructio­n of wetlands for profit, political gain and other unknown reasons. Wetlands were designated protected areas by the Environmen­tal Act.

There is the Longcheng Plaza Mall that was constructe­d on protected vast and rich wetlands near the National Sports Stadium.

There is the Borrowdale land allocated to Augur Investment­s to build a mall through a shady deal as payment for that delayed, overinflat­ed upgrade of the RG Mugabe Airport Road.

There are countless plots of land on designated wetlands that were distribute­d by Kasukuwere to buy support and political favour.

Environmen­talists, residents, the Harare City Council and the Environmen­tal Management Agency were ignored and or threatened from stopping the destructio­n of the wetlands.

Flash floods, destructio­n of precious flora and fauna, pollution of water tables, destructio­n of the natural water supply are what the environmen­t has suffered. Ironically, wetlands also serve the purpose of purifying water. All this fell on deaf ears even in Parliament. Exchanging brown envelopes, acquiring assets and building 50 bedroom houses was more important than entire generation­s robbed of such natural resources, all for selfish and short-lived pleasures. Garanga Via email

PRICES of commoditie­s have increased and are increasing. What Government should do is to plead with the greedy suppliers hoping that God intervenes as is popularly believed by Zimbabwean Christians. I have been monitoring prices trends in Pic n Pay, OK, Bon Marche, Choppies and Spar supermarke­ts, some of the goods no longer have price labels. They have bar codes only and one will get to know the price when the item is scanned and usually the shop gets away with it because one is told the total is so much and pays. We all know how easy it becomes to dupe someone to pay un-budgeted amounts when one is using plastic money or transfer. — @masaisai.

Facebook RESPONSES to “Gen Chiwenga, Chihuri retire” SOME positive developmen­ts taking place. — James Dada

AT least Chihuri is gone. Thank you Cde President for answering our prayers. — Walter.

 ??  ?? First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa
First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa

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