Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Lighten the load


Be blessed Galatians 6 vs 2

“BEAR one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”

There is a human phenomenon that most people suffer from, it’s a general desire to pull others down. I listened as a talk show host lamented on how the world has become a terrible place where people celebrate the fall and demise of others.

A lot of pleasure is generated when someone falls from grace or is humiliated. It’s now normal for politician­s to go out of their way to search for the worst of their opponent’s history. In order to get ahead and to defeat their foes, they will expose the secrets to everyone, despite the fact that they will be ruining someone’s life and destroying a family.

In our schools, work places and even in churches, the desire to get ahead is so strong that it can only be achieved through bad-mouthing others, being malicious and finding anything negative to discredit the other person.

Should life really be like that, that the joys of our life are gained against the backdrop of another’s pain? We celebrate the misfortune of others, we even go further and participat­e in further compoundin­g the problems of others through our attitude, deeds and actions.

A sanctified heart should not be at the forefront of ruining the lives of others. It’s very easy to be part of the crowd and to join in the madness but our duty is to make the lives of others better by bringing a smile, changing circumstan­ces and showing that we can make the world and the places we live in better.

Wherever we are, there are people crying out for love, yearning for warmth and you are the chosen instrument to bring this. Love is probably the easiest thing to share, a smile here, considerat­ion there, a listening ear there, and where possible, more.

As Jesus was taken to the cross, he got assistance from Simon of Aremathia. He helped him carry the cross as he was brutalised by the Roman soldiers. Is it not interestin­g that the Son of God, endowed with so much power from above, at some stage needed help to carry a load that was debilitati­ng?

What this shows is that we all go through times when we need the next person to help lighten the load that is before us. Be an angel, start to show considerat­ion and do things differentl­y.

So the next time you feel like being an ordinary human being by going out of your way to pull some one down who is already battling a mirage of challenges, remember that your Christian duty is to show love.

When you are tempted to be mean and nasty, to speak out of turn and hurt others, be guided by the fact that you too will need the next person to hold your hand in the near future. The cycle of life is unending, today you are up and tomorrow you are down.

Our Lord and Savior would like you to be that person who helps, uplifts and makes the load lighter for others. There are so many around you who are just crying for a guardian angel, you are that person. Step out of the shadows and begin to change lives, lead and uplift others. Don’t pull others down but rather carry their hopes and aspiration­s on your shoulders. Let Christ shine through your deeds today.

REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS . . . For more info: Visit our website: www.thefig-tree. org; e-mail us on; catch us on StarFM, Monday to Friday at 0620hours.

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