Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

#AnotherOne Cheers to TWO years of styling


I WOULD like to believe I’m generally a reserved human being.

I don’t talk much unless I’m spoken to. But I do a lot of observing. I see things and I’ve lots to say about them.

Most times I don’t verbally articulate my thoughts but I’d have gone into overdrive with them in my mind.

I have a photograph­ic memory which I believe helps me describe things better as I visualise them in my mind.

And you know what happens when visual imagery, a keyboard and Apple earphones come to play? Pattern & Style comes to life.

In the past two years, Pattern & Style has grown from just being a fashion column and turned into a movement of sorts.

When I started this column two years ago, I didn’t realise how my feisty yet chic inner being that few ever get to experience would come to life in black and white.

Pattern & Style has grown from being a spicy fashion column that throws brickbats to wardrobe disasters and bouquets to fabric slayers into a lifestyle.

It’s about making a conscious decision to look good every single day and understand­ing that the way you dress speaks volumes about your personalit­y and how seriously you take yourself.

Pattern & Style is about building confidence through your wardrobe and making sure whatever space you’re in — you turn up. Now I’ll ask, dude — where’s your pattern and style because you’ve got to bring your fashion game to every aspect of your life.

It’s about ensuring the brand that is you remains fresh and consistent.

And now it’s not just my thing. I see the #HeavyPatte­rnAndStyle hashtags and the “Akula #PatternAnd­Style la” comments on social media platforms.

This is what Pattern & Style is about – keeping you in check for your everyday life.

I’m truly humbled by how people have caught on and acknowledg­ed the existence of the column.

Because Pattern & Style is a lifestyle — it doesn’t end with the column’s publicatio­n on Saturdays.

Every day of the week, game recognises game and where there’s need for correction – it’s done from a place of love.

I would constantly get feedback from readers who couldn’t access the Saturday Chronicle on the streets to read the column a n d decided to set up a blog for online readers.

The blog, www. stayera247. blogspot. com has somewhat become a library for those who want to play catch up. It has in the past few months had over 5 000 views by people from across the world — France, Rwanda, South Africa, USA, India, Nigeria — you name it.

It’s really humbling to see how seriously people take your work. Any writer will tell you it means the world knowing someone took the time to read your words.

The Facebook page, Pattern & Style, has also brought me closer to you the readers. Sometimes your feedback leaves me in stitches; I can’t help laughing out loud. It’s sometimes constructi­ve criticism which I greatly appreciate. And at times it’s just you agreeing with my sentiments and nothing feels better than knowing you’re not the only one who thinks the way you do.

My favourite bit of it all is having people that wouldn’t ordinarily take an interest in fashion diving in.

They’ll share they’re two cents and make you realise just how much of an important aspect of life fashion is. It has truly been an incredible two years! You may not always agree with my views and that’s really okay. I’m just grateful I’d have given you something to think about. Pattern & Style has been about being relatable, practical and relevant to what would be referred to as the ordinary person. It has been about disseminat­ing fashion tips which are simple and most importantl­y affordable. But I wouldn’t have been able to do this for so long without you the readers. Particular­ly my mother who has read every single article, she’s been my number one fan, my most blunt critique and the first victim of my pen. My brother, relatives, friends and colleagues have also been victim as I try to make fashion a relatable and exciting aspect of life — thank you for letting me do this. As this baby turns two on January 30, allow me to say THANK YOU to you the readers! Do keep reading and never stop slaying!

Remember, how you dress could be the difference between you and your next big break. Here’s to #AnotherOne.

Until next week, flaunt your pattern and style and don’t forget to catch up with me on Twitter handle @Yolisswa, visit my blog, www.stayera247. or like my Facebook page Pattern & Style.

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