Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

2-year-old watches dad ‘rape’ maid at knifepoint

- Cynthia Dube

A PLUMTREE man allegedly raped his maid 19 times at knife point while his two-year-old daughter watched. The maid fell pregnant, the court heard.

Rudolph Chirape (30) of Dingumuzi suburb pleaded not guilty to rape when he appeared before Bulawayo Magistrate Mr Chrispen Mberewere, who remanded him out of custody to today.

Chirape who is facing 19 counts of rape, is a guard at Peace Security Company.

Prosecutin­g, Mr Simbarashe Manyiwa said on June 8, this year around 6AM Chirape ordered the domestic worker to accompany him to clean a new house he had found at Dingumuzi Community Hall.

Mr Manyiwa said the victim took Chirape`s daughter and they went to the new house.

“While inside, Chirape ordered her to put the baby down, he then grabbed the woman`s right hand pulling her down onto the floor. She tried to fight but the accused produced a knife and threatened to kill her. He then raped her once,” he said.

The court heard Chirape threatened to kill the woman if she told anyone about the sex attack.

Mr Manyiwa said on June 9 around 7AM when Chirape’s wife had left for work, he ordered the victim to enter his bedroom where he raped her at knife point.

Mr Manyiwa said on June 10 and 11 Chirape again raped the woman at knife point.

Mr Manyiwa said on June 15, Chirape raped his maid and threatened to harm her if she told anyone.

“On June 21, around 7AM, the accused came in the house from shops. He entered the kitchen and lifted the woman up and went to his bedroom. He raped her while holding a knife to her throat. While this was happening the accused’s baby was watching and crying,” said Mr Manyiwa.

The court heard that on June 25, the maid told Chirape that she suspected that she was pregnant. The accused ordered her to drink a washing powder to terminate the pregnancy but the victim refused.

The prosecutor said the complainan­t remained silent fearing for her life but on June 27, she gathered courage and phoned her cousin informing her about the issue.

The court heard that they reported the matter to the police who arrested Chirape.

“The complainan­t was sent to Plumtree District hospital where she was medically examined and a medical report was compiled. It was also confirmed that she was pregnant,” said Mr Manyiwa. -@ cynthiamth­embo1.

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