Business Weekly (Zimbabwe)

UN climate chief warns humanity has 2 years ‘to save the world’


The head of the United Nations’ climate agency says humanity only has two years left “to save the world,” and is calling for dramatic changes to curb heat-trapping emissions and financial decisions that prioritise the climate.

In comments Wednesday, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell said that while he knows the warning may sound melodramat­ic, action is essential.

“Who exactly has two years to save the world? The answer is every person on this planet," Stiell said.

“More and more people want climate action right across societies and political spectrums, in large part because they are feeling the impacts of the climate crisis in their everyday lives and their household budgets.”

The warning was particular­ly aimed at G20 nations, which include developed and developing economies like the United States, China and India.

Those nations are responsibl­e for 80 percent of planet-heating emissions, which Stiell asserts should force them into the centre of mitigation projects.

Poorer countries cannot foot the bill for enacting climate mitigation strategies.

Developing countries, not including China, which considers itself a developing country, face an estimated US$ 2,4 trillion annual cost to meet their climate and developmen­t priorities by 2030.

However, not everyone is convinced fear-stoking warnings lead to effective action.

“Two years to save the world’ is meaningles­s rhetoric — at best, it’s likely to be ignored, at worst, it will be counterpro­ductive,” said Princeton University climate scientist Michael Oppenheime­r, who is also a professor of internatio­nal affairs.

United States government data reveals that carbon dioxide and methane levels in the atmosphere reached unpreceden­ted peaks last year in addition to being the hottest year on record.

Concurrent­ly, global carbon dioxide emissions surged by 1,1 percent.

If emissions continue at their current rate, Stiell said it “will further entrench the gross inequaliti­es between the world’s richest and poorest countries and communitie­s”.

Currently, government­s are not close to meeting emission mitigation targets.


 ?? ?? A man carries a plastic bucket across the cracked bed of a dried-up pond in Vietnam’s southern Ben Tre province in March.
A man carries a plastic bucket across the cracked bed of a dried-up pond in Vietnam’s southern Ben Tre province in March.

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