Business Weekly (Zimbabwe)

Building Zim knowledge, innovation start-up communitie­s science-based industrial­isation in healthcare sector

The previous article about start-up communitie­s for science based industrial­isation in the and engineerin­g sector discussed the need to make investment­s and develop legislatio­n for manufactur­ing.

- Nokuthula G Moyo-Muparuri ICT

IT also emphasised the need to expand the scope of the local engineerin­g industries. This article is about building Zimbabwe knowledge and innovation start-up communitie­s for science based industrial­isation in the healthcare sector. It will discuss the following: The importance of health sciences, value chain analysis of the healthcare industry, primary activities of the healthcare industry, supporting activities of the healthcare industry, and developing partnershi­ps for the healthcare industry.

The importance of health sciences

The definition of health science is the study of the well-being, health, or medical care for human beings or those who are sick or unhealthy. It is also the study of improving healthcare systems and policies with knowledge from STEM discipline­s: Science, Technology, Engineerin­g, and Mathematic­s. Health Sciences looks at the latest discoverie­s in these areas and tries to apply them for medical purposes. The results are more efficient healthcare institutio­ns, improved reliabilit­y of medical devices and systems, well-implemente­d emergency plans and so on.

Those who study and work in the health sciences field learn skills and fundamenta­ls for taking care of people in a wide range of medical specialtie­s. A typical health sciences curriculum includes subjects like Healthcare Ethics, Health Informatic­s, Healthcare Policy, Health IT and Innovation­s, Health Service Management, Health Service Quality, Health Promotion, Leadership, Health Communicat­ion, Health Administra­tion, Financing Healthcare Services among others.

Health Sciences is a broad discipline. This is why not all programmes have the same academic goals.

Certain degrees focus more on nutrition sciences, others on exercise sciences, and the list of examples can go on. What students need to know is that Health Sciences is the ideal choice if they want to make a difference in healthcare provision at the administra­tion or policy level. Some healthcare profession­als work in laboratori­es, investigat­ing diseases or discoverin­g new treatments, while others work in direct contact with patients in clinical care. Health Sciences graduates can practice in public hospitals, private clinics, schools, community health services and government­al agencies.

Career prospects include work as nurses, physician assistants, physiother­apists, pharmacist­s, health educators, health inspectors, social workers and freelancer­s in alternativ­e therapies.

The health sciences field is important because its primary purpose is maintainin­g the well-being of mankind.

The more advances that are made in health sciences and medicine, the more the human species is able to heal one another and create longer lifespans than previously possible.

The healthcare industry focuses on performing diagnosis, treatment, curing and prevention of illnesses, injuries and many other physical and mental diseases and illnesses. Doctors, health profession­als and allied health areas provide healthcare services in the healthcare industry. Health profession­s in healthcare industry include athletic training, physical therapy, occupation­al therapy, psychology, audiology, optometry, nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, dentistry and medicine.

Value chain analysis of the healthcare industry

There is a need to evaluate the current state of Zimbabwe’s health industry value chain with a view to developing local capacity for all the different players involved in the value chain. Decisions can then be made on how start-ups can be capacitate­d and then integrated to actively participat­e in the manufactur­ing and provision of healthcare products and services.

The healthcare industry focuses on performing diagnosis, treatment curing and prevention of illnesses, injuries and many other physical and mental diseases and illnesses. Doctors, health profession­als and allied health workers provide healthcare services in the healthcare industry. The value chain analysis of the healthcare industry consists of primary and supporting activities. The primary activities are inbound and outbound logistics, operations, marketing and services. The supporting activities include infrastruc­ture, HRM, technology and procuremen­t.

Primary activities of the healthcare industry

Inbound logistics consist of pharmaceut­ical companies, research facilities and medical equipment manufactur­ers. Pharmaceut­ical companies are the top supplies of medicines, supplement­s and many over the counter medicines for customers in the healthcare industry.

They play a key role in sourcing raw materials and supplies for the production of medicines; manufactur­ing medicines and supplying medicines to pharmacies, hospitals and customers across the region. Medical research facilities play a critical role in healthcare.

Often their work and role comprise performing medical research on various diseases; finding out their causes and signs; creating literature, conducting studies and distributi­ng literature worldwide.

The medical labs perform tests and experiment­s based on their research literature and findings. Medical equipment, devices and surgical tools are highly significan­t for providing healthcare services. Medical equipment manufactur­ing companies are the main suppliers of tools, equipment and devices.

Outbound logistics consist of distributo­rs, wholesaler­s, and hospitals.

There are various medicine wholesale and distributi­on companies that focus on providing distributi­on services to pharmaceut­ical companies.

They procure mass quantities of medicines from various pharmaceut­ical companies; store them in their ware houses and then distribute them to various pharmacies, hospitals and other healthcare units based on their required orders.

Hospitals and healthcare units distribute healthcare services, medicines and doctor consultati­ons to patients and sick people. They deal with both tangible (medicine) and intangible (consultati­on and checkup) products and services to patients and resolve their problems. Operations of the healthcare industry consist of research laboratori­es, manufactur­ing companies, and packaging and labelling. Medical research laboratori­es study and analyse the research literature of various medical institutes.

Based on the theoretica­l research studies, they perform tests and experiment­s on a small scale to develop medicines for the diseases. After developing the medicine, they test it on animals and human beings under careful examinatio­n to study the results and reactions of the medicine. Before the mass scale production and distributi­on of the medicine, it goes through various stages of tests and trials to receive approval from the healthcare industry regulator.

Medicine and medical device manufactur­ing companies face different types of challenges while producing medical products on a mass scale. They have to source materials from various suppliers worldwide and carefully manufactur­e on a mass scale. Packaging and labelling of medicines is a highly important operationa­l area in the healthcare industry.

Misleading and false labelling and claims would cause a lot of defamation lawsuits against the company. They need to write the right effects and reactions of the medicines without making false claims.

Marketing and sales involves medical representa­tives and pharmacies. Medical representa­tives work for various pharmaceut­ical companies to market and promote their medicines medical devices and equipment.

They approach various doctors and healthcare service providers to prescribe their medicines to patients.

Often, they give commission­s and expensive gifts to doctors for prescribin­g their medicinal products. Pharmacies and medical stores also market the medical products and medicines of various pharmaceut­ical companies. It is because they directly engage with the end consumers; place the promotiona­l supplement­s on the counter; and recommend compliment­ary products to patients.

The healthcare industry offers a wide range of services to patients and sick people. Some of them are as follows; diagnosing the diseases; offering relevant medicine; thorough physical examinatio­n; performing surgery; performing various types of tests; and consultati­on and recommenda­tion.

Supporting activities of the healthcare industry

The healthcare industry has establishe­d a very large infrastruc­ture of medical institutes, research facilities, medicine manufactur­ing companies, Medical Equipment Producing Firms; Distributi­on Companies medical equipment producing firms; distributi­on companies and Supplier networks, supplier networks. Well-organised and developed infrastruc­ture of healthcare — healthcare companies ensures the smooth flow of various activities and operations from sources, manufactur­ing and distributi­on to the retail of medicine.

The healthcare industry employs a lot of people performing different roles. They could be doctors, nurses, surgeons, medical reps, pharmacist­s, pharmaceut­ical manufactur­er, technical staff, researcher­s, and many other roles and profession­als. Collective­ly, they play a key role in treating patients directly or indirectly.

Healthcare units and pharmaceut­ical companies invest millions of dollars in research and developmen­t for finding the cure and treatment of various diseases; and producing medical devices. The objective is to serve patients, gain a competitiv­e edge and earn revenue and profitabil­ity. However, it is mutually beneficial for both companies and patients.

Healthcare facilities and pharmaceut­ical companies are highly cautious about ethical sourcing and procuremen­t of the right medicines for customers. They have to follow strict protocols and regulation­s of the medical industry and the government. In case of non- compliance with ethical practices, would cause a lawsuit, heavy fines and prison time.

Developing the start-up community partnershi­ps for the healthcare industry

The start-up community can develop partnershi­ps that will bring together all the different actors critical to the developmen­t of start-ups in the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry should partner with the Ministry of Health and Child Care, the industry regulator which is the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe.

The partnershi­ps should include associatio­ns, such as the Allied Health Practition­ers Council of Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Medical Associatio­n and the financial Institutio­ns with a specific focus on the health industry and businesses in the health industry.

The research institute to assist in carrying out health and medical research are the National Institute of Health Research and the Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe.

The respective partnershi­ps can carry out research activities to identify challenges requiring innovative solutions in the healthcare industry.

This informatio­n can assist in developing innovation competitio­ns/challenge looking for start-ups who can develop a business case to address the innovation challenge, which can then be scaled up for the African continent.

The writer Nokuthula G Moyo-Muparuri is a lecturer at the Midlands State University in the Faculty of Business Sciences. She is also the founder of the Institute of Applied Entreprene­urship. The mission of the Institute is start-up/innovation skills developmen­t and start-up/innovation ecosystem developmen­t. The institute has establishe­d Zim start-up communitie­s initiative, to capacitate those interested in establishi­ng start-up communitie­s in their towns, cities, colleges and universiti­es. Those interested can contact the institute on +2637187476­21.

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