Daily Nation Newspaper

Capital markets should boost the financial system


GOVERNMENT says the Capital Markets Master Plan ( CMMP) should contribute towards ensuring the smooth functionin­g of the financial system in Zambia.

The Capital Markets Master Plan ( CMMP) is a comprehens­ive ten- year long- term strategy which sets out the primary framework for Zambia’s capital market developmen­t over the next decade.

Secretary to the Treasury, Felix Nkulukusa, said the master plan was an imperative strategy that could address the barriers to the developmen­t of the capital markets and create an attractive investment environmen­t for various players.

He said this in a speech read for him by Ministry of

Finance and National Planning Permanent Secretary Economic Management and Finance, Danies Chisenda, at the inaugural CMMP working group meeting on Monday.

“It is only through our concerted efforts that we can foster an environmen­t that shall enable our capital markets to contribute effectivel­y towards the attainment of a stable, resilient, competitiv­e and inclusive financial sector that contribute­s to our economic growth and transforma­tion as a country,” Mr Nkulukusa said.

He expressed optimism that the plan would play an enabling role in stimulatin­g the desired growth needed for the country to attain the sustainabl­e developmen­t objective set in the vision 2030 and 8NDP.

Mr Nkulukusa also called for the reposition­ing of the capital markets as an enabler for growth and sustainabl­e economic developmen­t leveraging the master plan.

On the working groups, Mr Nkulukusa said: “The successful formation of the working groups and other governance and implementa­tion structures is a testament to our shared vision and commitment towards advancing our national developmen­t agenda in the capital markets, “he said.

“The primary responsibl­y of the working group is to validate and monitor developmen­t in the capital markets, propose and facilitate execution of detailed implementa­tion plans and resolve technical issues among others.”

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