Daily Nation Newspaper


- Shukram for reading. MILES SAMPA.

SO the President of Saharawi Brahim Ghali has today landed in South Africa and given a red carpet reception by President Cyril Ramaphosa (CR).

Therein some optics sending a huge geopolitic­al message far away within and outside Africa.

Saharawi is a country in the north Arab region of Africa but half of its land remains under colonial rule from their neighbour called Morocco.

The captured area is on the western lucrative side of Saharawi facing the Mediterran­ean Sea towards France.

There has been numerous resolution­s at both the African Union and Unite Nations to free the captured Saharawi region. No action has come forth and in some voting, Morocco ends up lobbing some countries to vote against Saharawi quest for full independen­ce from them.

There is some story in the Zambian kachepa mills that one former Foreign Affairs Minister actually dribbled his President and voted at the UN between Morocco and Saharawi in favour of one but against given foreign policy guidelines from Zambia. It is stated that he pocked a cool $1 million cash payment.

The red carpet for the Saharawi President in Pretoria indicates which side of the coin that President Ramaposa and his government are.

We can also infer on which side CR is between USA (Ukraine) and Russia.

It is also stated that France (USA ally) needs the Mediterran­ean shores of Saharawi for their holiday needs in summer but at the expense of indigenous people of Saharawi that majority live in high levels of poverty. Any tourism fees spent at the water shores and islands of Saharawi is paid to the Moroccan colonisers present at major harbours.

As it where, turns out my deputy chairman in the Audit committee at the Pan African Parliament is Mr Said Ibrahim from Saharawi. He has got me to understand his country’s challenges at the hands of Morocco.

The entire North Africa Arab region is divided between Morocco and Saharawi. Apparently Egypt tend to play neutral.

May Morocco and Saharawi reconcile as brothers and may the occupation come to an end.

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