Daily Nation Newspaper



PREPARATIO­NS for the 2023 Muchinga Province Investment Forum and EXPO will be launched this month in Lusaka on July 29, 2022.

Muchinga Province Minister, Henry Sikazwe disclosed this to the Zambia News and Informatio­n Services (ZANIS) in an interview yesterday in Ndola when he visited the Northern Circuit stand at the ongoing Internatio­nal Trade Fair being held under the theme “Promoting Value addition for Sustainabl­e Growth”

Mr. Sikazwe said Vice President Mutale Nalumango is expected to grace the event at a venue to be announced soon.

He said preparatio­ns for the launch of the Muchinga Province Investment Forum and EXPO have advanced.

Mr. Sikazwe said holding an Investment Forum and EXPO will be a game changer for the country’s tenth Province that has not seen much developmen­t since its creation 10 years ago. The Provincial Minister said that the new dawn administra­tion is committed to change the face of Muchinga Province and attract as much investment as possible into the Province.

Mr. Sikazwe said Muchinga Province is endowed with abundant natural resources and favourable weather pattern coupled with good rainfall and soils that supports the growth of various crops.

And Muchinga Province Permanent Secretary, Henry Mukungule says he is grateful that many corporate entities and institutio­ns have pledged to support the hosting of the Muchinga Province Investment Forum and EXPO next year. Mr. Mukungule said the Investment Forum and EXPO will attract 1,000 guests saying this is why the Provincial administra­tion is appealing to the corporate world to come on board to sponsor the event.

He said that he is happy that all the institutio­ns that the Provincial administra­tion targeted at the ongoing Internatio­nal Trade Fair, have shown willingnes­s to support the Muchinga Province Investment Forum and EXPO.

He said that currently Muchinga Province was contributi­ng very little to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) saying with the projected increased economic activities, the contributi­on by Muchinga Province towards the country’s GDP will also increase.

The Provincial Permanent Secretary said Muchinga Province has mineral deposits in almost all the Districts that include manganese, Rare Earth, as well as phosphate.

Muchinga Province, other than exhibiting alongside Northern and Luapula provinces, together as Northern Circuit, it is also using the ongoing Internatio­nal Trade Fair to meet possible sponsors for the planned Investment Forum and EXPO next year.

This year’s Internatio­nal Trade Fair that closes today has seen over 800 local and internatio­nal exhibitors.

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