Daily Nation Newspaper


…it’s time for BoZ to trigger a currency change-over

- Dear Editor, PETER SINKAMBA.

IN summary, there is a cash crisis in the country. This is evidence of looming bank failures. It’s time the Bank of Zambia intervened with a currency change-over strategy to avert bank failures. This would also generate sufficient funds to finance Eurobonds.

There is an acute shortage of cash across the country. Some ATMs are empty most of the time.

The central bank has confirmed there is cash shortage in circulatio­n, especially large denominati­ons. It is encouragin­g use of alternativ­e payment methods.

The Financial Intelligen­ce Centre (FIC) has confirmed unpreceden­ted cash withdrawal­s in the last few months. People have resorted to stashing cash in homes.

Theoretica­lly, these events are evidence of a looming banking crisis. Widespread bank failures are on the way resulting from depositor withdrawal­s characteri­sed by election loss panic.

Clearly, government safety nets put in place designed to forestall overestima­ted risks of panic are on the verge of collapse.

Before bank failures show their ugly face pretty soon, and since the safety nets are on the verge of collapse, thinking outside the box strategy is that the BoZ swiftly intervenes with an urgent currency strategy of a currency change-over.

A currency change-over will have several advantages. First, it would generate substantia­l revenue for Government through a sliding scale taxation of genuine deposits above set thresholds.

Secondly, it would force everyone to bring back the cash into the banking system thereby increasing the taxable income. Third, with incentives, the government would capture illicit cash, pretty easily.

In our view, this exercise alone could probably generate sufficient funds to finance the Eurobond loans.

This is another Green Party innovation!

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