Daily Nation Newspaper


- Dear Editor,

COMRADES, having closed the good year of the Lord 2020, I would like to share a few personal thoughts. The year 2020 was characteri­sed and loaded with various events both good and bad ones. For some we were blessed with the birth of new family members, graduation ceremonies, weddings ceremonies, job appointmen­ts, etc.

For others maybe the year delivered disappoint­ments, disease, even sadly putting to rest our beloved ones. Through all these diverse circumstan­ces we made it to the end of 2020 as a year that the Lord had made and we were glad and rejoiced in it against all odds.

The New Year is an opportunit­y to redefine our priorities. Let’s take stock of our lives and see whether what we have been busy with is important or just urgent.

A New Year is an opportunit­y to redefine and align our lives according to our purpose. A New Year is an opportunit­y to redefine our life vision, re-establish worthwhile goals and not waste our time. Bury the past therefore, and move into the future you haven’t created yet. Leave the baggage behind in 2020.

Let’s have the right heart desires and decisions first. Then our passionate faith will attract God’s provisions to fulfill our heart’s desires.

Ephesians 5: 15 – 17: Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunit­y, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

Proverbs 16:3 says commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

Redeeming Time: Getting back all that we lost due to bad decisions and bad use of time.

Wisdom means applicatio­n of the knowledge, therefore, let’s make 2021 a year of applicatio­n. God determines and controls our steps. Our duty is to plan and commit our plans into His hands - don’t be lazy to plan.

Our vision and purpose (bigger picture) will give us the patience as the Lord guides our steps. Though our visions may tarry let’s be patient and keep praising the Lord while we’re in our “holding parking.” Purpose sees the end, which is permanent. Anything in between can’t last but is simply the process to get us to our purpose. We are on our way to what we saw in our respective visions. Our future is God’s past so let’s obey and trust God who holds our future.

As we head to the polls this year, may we bear in mind that we are One Zambia, One Nation. Our young democracy must be nurtured as we strive for decency, fairness, respect for the rule of law. We are all called upon to observe high levels of restraint and respect the wish of the people.

To the PF leadership and members at large, let’s go out to mobilise and connect with the people giving them hope, showing empathy as ever with the spirit of unifying the country. All the best PF party! You surely deserve another mandate from the wonderful people of Zambia.

May the good year of the Lord 2021 be a year of abundance and blessings. Stay safe Covid-19 is real.

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