Daily Nation Newspaper

Kalulushi Covid-19 boosted


THE rising cases of Covid-19 has forced Kalulushi Municipal Council (KMC) to renew the contract of 35 temporary employees who were engaged specifical­ly to handle matters related to the pandemic.

Workers were engaged in disinfecti­on of public places, sensitisat­ion and other duties.

Council Assistant Public Relations Manager, Lidah Kamanga, said the 35 temporary employees were engaged in May and contract was expected to end in July, but following the rising cases of Covid 19, the local authority decided to extend their contracts for the next two months

In an interview in Kitwe yesterday, Ms Kamanga said the employees were engaged following the outbreak of Covid 19 to boost the Public Health Department.

"In an effort to intensify the fight against Covid 19, the local authority has put in place a number of measures which includes boosting the Public Health Department through the engaging of 35 temporal employees.

“These are engaged specifical­ly to handle matters related to the deadly pandemic. We have decided to renew their contract for two months in order to renew the vigour of fighting the Covid 19,'' she said.

Ms Kamanga said the local authority had intensifie­d its operation in various areas to ensure that bar and restaurant owners adhere to the stipulated health guidelines.

She expressed concern that some people were buying beer from bottle stores and drinking from crowded car parks without observing social distancing.

She added that the behaviour of people drinking beer from car parks and open spaces was defeating the purpose of fighting the Covid-19.

"We have a situation where people buy beer from bottle stores and then they go and drink it from play parks and open spaces without observing social distance and are not even wearing masks. For them what matters is beer and not get,'' she said.

Ms Kamanga urged the residents of Kalulushi not to brush off the existence of Covid-19 , but continue to take preventive measures seriously like wearing of masks, social distance and others

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