Daily Nation Newspaper



DO not trade your lives with the ambitions of selfish politician­s who care less even when you die championin­g their causes, the Youth in Action for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t (YASD) has said. Speaking to the Daily Nation yesterday, YASD executive director, Zebedy Lukwesa, said the bloodbath that characteri­sed the Kaoma by-election in which one person was killed and other injured, must be a lesson to the youths that violence did not pay. Mr. Lukwesa said while youths from political parties were dying like rats due to political violence, those sending them to the battle fields never stepped out to face the opponents with missiles and that their children were never victims of the violence they were prescribin­g. He said young people must desist from being used by politician­s to propagate political violence in 2021. He said the youth should learn from past elections where politician­s used them to maim each other during and dump later them soon as they were elected. He said the only people who could stop the scourge were the youth themselves by rejecting politician­s who were agitating for violence at the expense of spelling out what they would do for Zambians once elected. “Instead of being used as tools for violence, youths must demand for empowermen­t in the country’s political arena by contesting at various levels so that they fully participat­ed in the country’s democracy as opposed to being used as ladders for older politician­s to win elections,” Mr Lukwesa said. “As we move closer to 2021, it is prudent to preach peace and not violence among political party members. The country has seen enough tension and political brutality hence the need to protect the peace that the country is known for. The Kaoma bloodbath must be a turning point,” he said. He said his organisati­on understood that stakes were already high as political parties were gearing up for the 2021 elections and that some political party leaders were already scheming on how they will intimidate and annihilate their opponents using violence. “Our appeal to youths is that they should never fall prey to such politician­s,” he said.

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